Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1999 — APELILA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Editor's note: Events ofinterest to the Hawaiian community are included in the calendar on a space-available basis. Inclusion does not constitute endorsement or validation of the event or the sponsor by OHA.
Fri 8t Sun 2-4 CeIebration of the Arts. "Nā Hana No'eau o nā Kūpuna -
the Artistry oi our Ancestors is ^ the theme for the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua's annual celebration of Hawaiian culture and arts.
Workshops will cover Ni'ihau shell lei making, feather art,
petroglyph, kapa and more. A stellar concert will showcase Henry Kapono, Kukuipuka, Maik Ho'omalu and other guests. For information
and reservations, eall b 69- ! | 6200, or visit their website at www.ritzcarlton.com.
Sat. April 10 Hawai'i Ag Day Festival 99. Agriculture is the focus of this family event that will feature product sampling, fresh produce, native plant sale by Oha's Ho'oulu Mea Kanu Nursery, hands-on activities, foods from Hawai'i's top
restaurants, entertainment, pony rides, a
petting zoo, educational seminar, . and guided tours of the Urban Garden Center. 10 a.m. - 3
p.m. Urban Garden Center, 962 2nd
St., Pearl City. $10 presale at all Safeway stores, $15 at the door. For information, eall 524-6441. Sun. & Sat. April 4-10 Menie Monarch Festival. Sunday, April 4 — Ho'olaule'a. Mokuola (Coconut Island). lOa.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday, April 7 — Hawaiian Arts and crafts at Seven Seas and S.H. Kress. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hoōike featuring Hālau o Kekuhi and others. Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium. Thurday, April 8 — Miss Aloha Hula Competition, award. 6:30 p.m. Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium. Friday, April 9 — Navy greeting at Pier 1, Kūhiō Warf. 1 1 a.m. Hula Kahiko Competition. 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 10 — 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Moku o Keawe Cultural Fair. Mo'oheau Park. 10:30 a.m. — Merrie Monarch Parade, Downtown Hilo. 6 p.m. — Hula 'Auana Competition, awards. Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium. Tickets are required for the Miss Aloha Hula, hula kahiko and hula 'auana eompetitions. All other scheduled events are free. "Monday - Friday Hawaiian Quilt Show at Wailoa Visitors Center, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Hawaiian entertainment at Hawai'i Naniloa Resort. Noon. Hawaiian entertainment at Hilo Hawaiian Hotel. 1 p.m. For more information on Merrie Monarch events, eall 935-9168 (Hawai'i). Wed. April 1 4 4th Annual Hall of Fame Concert. The Royal Hawaiian Band will be inducted into the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame at a concert where an array of music will be played highlighting the band's 163year history. Also performing will be the Kamehameha Schools concert glee and alumni glee clubs, Anuhea Brown and the Pualeilani Singers and the Hawai'i Eeumenieal Chorale. 7:30 p.m. Hawai'i Theatre. $40, $20. For tickets, eall 5280506. Fri. April 1 6 Annual 'O'o Awards. The Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce, who honor outstanding Hawaiians eaeh year, have selected Herman G. P. Lemke Sr., David M. Peters and Kali Watson as this year's honorees. 6 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Hotel. $50 per person. Sponsor tables are $800. For information and reservations, eall Ainsley Ahlo at 483-4444. Sat. April 1 7 Kawa'ewa'e Heiau Clean-up. Kōkua is needed to help maintain a luakini heiau in Kāne'ohe. Hill location requires a short hike. Work includes weeding. pruning and cleaning. Bring drinking water and snacks. Long pants recommended. Meet at the end of Līpalu St. off of Nāmoku. 8:30 - 1 1:30 a.m. For information, eall 235-1088. Sat. April 24 Advanced Oli Workshop. Bishop Museum's Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program in conjuction with the Mountain Apple Company, presents this series of cultural workshops featuring Kekuhi Kanahele and Kaipo Frias. This month, two advanced workshops on oli (chant) will be offered. Second-year proficiency in Hawaiian is required. Space is limited. Session I: 9 - 1 1 a.m. Session II: Noon to 2 p.m. Hawai'i Maritime Center, Pacific Room. Evening concert to foIlow at Bishop Museunt's Hawaiian Hall. $50. For information, eall 8484144. ■
Miss Aloha Hula 1998 Lōkālia Montgomery Kahele of Nā Wai 'Ehā o Puna performs
her winning rendition of " Pua 'Āhihī' at last year's festival.