Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1999 — REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Cathcart — The three branches of Robert William Cathcart and his three wives, Keolamaulo Pakalaka; Kina Kahoolimoku Puha; and Ellen Kauilamakahaikalani Poaha, will hold their reunion Oct 1 -3 at the Waialua Pavilion on Moloka'i. Please contact Bill Lani at 455-7762, or write to: 1 103 Aeaeia Rd., #304, Pearl City, HI 96782-2500. Cockett — The 20th annual Cockett reunion will be held on O'ahu from July 15-19. All descendants of Charles and Ehzabeth "Beke" Cockett are weleome. "Ho'i Hou i ka 'Ohana Piko" (return again to our family beginnings) is the theme. Charles Cockett, from England, arrived in Maui in 1830. He served as a blacksmith to King Kamehameha III in Lahaina. His marriage to Elizabeth "Beke" Kahiamoe Shaw produced nine children: Joseph K., Wilham, Mary Cockett-Morton, Elizabeth Cockett Taylor, George, Phoebe Cockett-Harrison, Emily Cockett-Saf-fery, Charles and Patrick. For information. eall Patti Cook at 944-2750, or Irwin Cockett at 949-81 14. Kaaa — The Kaaa 'ohana is planning a reunion for Aug. 15. More details to follow. For information, eall Jean Kaaaa Kahanaoi at 668-4601, or write to 87-568 Farrington Hwy., Wai'anae, HI 96792.
Kahanaoi / Pomaikai — Members of the Kahanaoi / Pomaikai elan are planning a reunion for Oct. 17.For information, eall Jean Kaaaa Kahanaoi at 668-4601, or write to 87568 Farrington Hwy., Wai'anae, HI 96792. Kaleikau — A reunion will be held in Independence, Miss. for ah Kaleikau descendants, June 25 - 27. For information, eall Lavenda Kaleikau Oppie at (425) 778-2428, or write to 4305 219th SW, Mt. Lake Terrace, WA, 98043. Lovell — The descendants of Ernest, Nani and Elizabeth Kapeka Loveh are planning their first reunion, June 25 - 27 at Ma'ih Beach Park on O'ahu. The family originates from Kaua'i. For information, eall Maxine Keliiholokai, granddaughter of Elizabeth Kapeka Lovell Kiili, at 668-9197, Pete Laa at 668-2417, or Loma Davis at 696-4831. Namau'u A reunion is planned for July 3 - 5 at the Mo'omomi Beach Pavilion on Moloka'i for the descendants of Mahua Namau'u (k), born in Kalaoa, Kona; and Naioma Opio (w) bom in Aleamai. Keoki "George" Namau'u (a.k.a. Namau, born in Kalaoa, N. Kohala) and Hannah Nihoa (a.k.a. Malaki, bom in Pepe'ekeo), were our grandparents. Hartwell Nihoa (a.k.a. Malaki), bom Hilo and Ope'a Elvin Kimo a.k.a. Ope'a Kaluikapa (w), bom in Hilo, were our great grandparents. For information, write to Aliee Namakaeha-Fifita at 98-854 Noelani St., #64, Pearl City, HI 96782, or eall 222-9420 (eves after 7:30). See REUNIONS on page 12
Pahukoa — Descendants of Thomas Kumukoa Pahukoa and Maiianna Kepapauai Manono are having an 'ohana reunion June 17 - 20, in Ke'anae, Maui. Their children were Harry Kumukoa, Helen Kahalewai, Esther Kekela, Thomas Christopher, Elizabeth Mauliola, Abraham Mahea, Abrahama Manono, Abraham Kanoelani (Duke), Lillian Kahalepoli Lihana (poli), Luee Kawahine, and one surviving, Loretta Louis (Yap) of Pauwela, Maui. For
information, contact Meleana Aloy (O'ahu) at 456-5215, or write to 2357 Hoohai St., Pearl City, HI 96782; or Joseph Young (Maui) at 661-6718. Peters — The 'ohana of Henry Haalilio Kamalelehua Kaleakini Peters of Lahaina, Maui and Sarah Naliiaimoku Barrett of Kainahu, South Kona, Hawai'i are having their annual family pot-luck pienie on May 14 - 16 at the Lion's Club facility at "Hau Bush," 'Ewa Beach, O'ahu. Their children were Elizabeth (Pete) Keoua Kania Tuttle, Frances Kamakaila Kawaihoolana Pantastico, Sally Kahoiwai Kamalani, Caroline Mailelaulii Kaliiaimoku Tuck and Henry (Juno) Haalilio
Kauluhino Kamalelehua Peters. For more information, please contact Gladys Berinobis at 672-3655 (evenings) or write to 92-594 Palailai St., Makakilo, HI 96707. Bring family information and photos for a genealogy update. Schutte — A first-ever family reunion will be held on the weekend of Aug. 28 in Honolulu for descendants of John William Schutte and Kahapalua Inoino Kaneakauhi. Their children were Claude Naone, William Palule, John William, Jr., Frederick Kalawao, Marcus "Aka" Sr., Geoge Kaneakauhi (Kauhi), Annie Schutte (Maunu) (Bunker) (Vesugi) and Hattie Schutte (Kaikainahaole). Any pre-1900 genealogical information is
appreciated. Please eall Lymi Schutte or Rich Tomas at 943-2748, e-mail DABOSSTOMAS@WEBTV.NET or write Schutte 'ohana reunion, 1947 Kahakai Dr. #B, Honolulu, HI 96814. Warren / Keaweaimoku — The descendants of Charles F. A. Warren and Hannah Keaweaimoku are gathering family information and photos in preparation for an upcoming reunion. A quick response from all 'ohana will allow for a firm event date! For information, eall Mary, 696-3408; Agnes, 696-5240; or Jackie, 695-8484. " ■
REUNIONS From page 9