Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1999 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
% Rowena Akana Chairperson & Trustee-At-Large | Hannah Kihalani Springer Vice-Chair & Trustee, Hawai'i I Haunani Apoliona Trustee-At-Larqe % A. Frenchy DeSoto i Trustee-At-Large |Mililani B. Trask %rustee-At-Large \ Louis Hao Trustee, Maui (%yton Hee TruStee, O'ahu Moses K. Keale Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Colette Y. Pi'ipi'i Machade> ! Trustee, Moloka'i & Lāna'i ADMINISTRATION Randall Ogata Administrator Ptkblished by the Ojpee of Hawaiian Affair$ ' k Puhlie lnjjjynnation Office I Ryan Mielke public )nformation officer iCfdyson Harper publications specialist Boyd Paul^)urbin publicatiōns editors Lei Lonoafea pio secreta»y Charles Ogata volunteer \ / 0;- \ Katrina Soura pio intern % & 0 Ka Wai Ola o OHA " mUvingWaterofOHA " Published monihl Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 71 1 Kapi'olani Boulevard, 5th floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. Telephone: 594-1980 or 1-806-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fsx: 5941865. E-maih oha@aloha.neKWorid Wide Web iocation: http://www.pha, org. Oueulw®», 70,000 copiesj60,000 of whieh aredistributed by mail, 7,(Xw%tepugh island nfflces, state '•.iukI county offices, private and eomn®^' agenctes and target gr.,ups <»Ki individs»ls. :fe Wai by RF0: P#ilications, ine. Hawaiian fbnts are proviii5l by Coconut lnfo. Grsq^ics are from Oiiek Hawaāian Art, l99|ip!arez/CI, Advertismg i|i Ka Wai Ola o OHA does not copsnrute an endorsemene of,products or individuals by th« Office of Hawaiian AffoirS:;®„ Jf jēF Ka Wai Oia'4\>HA is pablishe4,1r>v the Office of 1 lawaiian Affairs to heip kaWm its Hawa'it,tn benefictanes and other interested paniel1' a|>out Hawauan issues and activities and OH A proErams an8 ffk> i ts- »vents of interest to the Hawaiian community are mciuSed the Calertdar on a spaee available hasis. inclusion does nor«»&ittute endorsement or valtdatton of the event or the sponsor by #tlpffice of Hawaiian Affatrs. Notice to Readers: Ka \X'im OLi o OHA will accept for co^^jeration nejys releases anJ Ietten> to the editor on toptcs of reie viirtt e and lnterest to '"HiA and Hawaiians, as well as calendat evetti< m<i reunion not t%es. Ka. Wm Ola o OHA reserves the right u) edit all matertal ioh^mpih and content, or not to publtsh as available space pr: otheruon^tjeration> ttioy tequtre. Ka Wta Ola o 0HA does : not accept unsoiicited manuscripts. Oe^llne for submissions is the eighth daT5,if evety month. Late s«bmissions are constdered only on a <pace-avaii:<ble basis. A copy of the newspapt r <> i»aiied eaeh month to the oldest registered iOHK :bBA|f|ip8' address,„ to. be :shāfS::!tLthe : hotist.'hoid. ;Tti cphfintiill^^wing Kd Vfai Ola o OHA, ■: rethbihber;fo;ypfi!tp:ea Ottr mailmp ltst t> ha.id on : a the OHA.:votef liilKaM' vdienijp;^ty-apd: county'Herks;put^;:,f the ltst oi nt»n-voters, our !ist is ai^^kted, Mahalo! :„ . •* ' FOR ADVERTISING RATES, CALL WORLD PRESS INC. AT 627-1327 H 1999 Offtce of Hawaiian Affairs. A| rights reserved. /