Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1999 — OHA Business Loans [ARTICLE]

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OHA Business Loans

* The Native Hawaiian Revoiving Loan Fund (NHRLF) is funded by the Administration for Native Americans and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and is designed to help start or expand Native Hawaiian-owned businesses. NHRLF borrowers are those unab!e to secure loans from eonventional lenders, and represent a wide range of industries including agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, retailing and professional services. Since its inception a decade ago, the NHRLF has assisted the Hawaiian eommunity by providing more than $13 million in loans to 305 Hawaiianowned small businesses. Train- | ing and technical assistance, important components of the NHRLF program, helped ioan applicants and borrowers develop their entrepreneurial skills and improve business performanee through classes, accounting workshops and one-on-one eonsultations. For information on eligibility and how to apply, eall 594-1921. ■