Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1999 — HOʻĀKOAKOA IWIKUAMOʻO - ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Baker — The Robert Hoapili Baker elan is planning a reunion for June 1 0 - 1 3 at Wanini Beach, Kaua'i. Opening ceremony on June 10. For more information. eall Val Medina at 822-1963 (eves) or write to Kaua'i Baker Reunion. 4767 Mailehuna Rd., Kapa'a. HI 96746. Cathcart — The descendants of Robert William Cathcart and his three wives, Keolamauloa Pakalaka; Kina Kahoolimoku Puha; and Ellen Kauilamakahaikalani Poaha, will hold their reunion Oct 1 -3 at the Waialua Pavilion on Moloka'i. Branches bear the following names: Lani, Anahu, Hobbs, Lewis, Meyer, Wilson, Pa. Mento. Nomura, Kiaaina, Kelipi. Kaylor. Chase, Mendes, Lum, Yuson, Martinez, Forbes, Higgins, Mestas, Bush, Trueman, Kalai, Peters, Gillette, White, Gibson. Kempa, Dowson, Painter, Malcorps, Hyatt, Lind, Anderman, Kauleinamoku. Moon, Potts. Richy, Toth. Szobolai, Yonge, McPherson. Harns, Shipp, Puaa, Poaha, Leong, Tibayan. Kennard, Maliu, Laumauna, Dudoit, Lino, Parham, Tagupa, Jaworski, Eisele, Asato, Sonoda, Tancayo and Notley. Please contact Bill Lani at 4557762, or write to: 1 103 Aeaeia Rd., #304, Pearl City. HI 96782-2500. Cummings — A reunion will be held on July 17 - 18 in Līhu'e, Kaua'i, for the descendants of Thomas Booth Cummings, father of Caroline Cummings Dutro, William Humphrey Cummings, Thomas Cummings. Amy Ho'ola'i Cummings Sheldon, Jonah Booth Cummings, Joseph Elijah Cummings, Parker Andrew Cummings and Hannah Rachel Cummings Sheldon. We have no information on Parker Andrew Cumings whose wives
were Louisa Lihau and Hoopii Malaea. Please contact Bruce "Keoki" Baker, 85 Zacate PL, Fremont, CA 94539. or phone (510) 793-0221. Kaaa — The Kaaa 'ohana is planning a reunion for Aug. 15. More details to follow. For information, eall Jean Kaaaa Kahanaoi at 668-4601, or write to 87568 Farrington Hwy„ Wai'anae, HI 96792. Kahanaoi / Pomaikai — Members of the Kahanaoi / Pomaikai elan are planning a reunion for Oct. 17. For information, eall Jean Kaaaa Kahanaoi at 6684601, or write to 87-568 Farrington Hwy„ Wai'anae. HI 96792. Kaluanawaa — The descendants of Solomon Palau Kaluanawaa and Elizabeth Nawahinemakaokekai Paakaula of Napo'opo'o, South Kona, are planning a reunion for Aug. 14 - 16 in Hilo. A potluek planning meeting is scheduled for April 3 at 9 a.m. at Blaisdell Park in Pearl City for those able to attend. For information, eall Alexander Harris at 935-9246: Pauleen Torres at 847-5507. or Kehau Malama Brian at 955-7905. Kealoha — The grandchildren of Noah Kealoha (a.k.a. Noah Kealoha Woodward) are planning a memorial service for him in August. He was born in Honolulu in 1903 and died in 1932. He married Mary Mew Lan Ah Nee. They were the parents of the late Noah Kealoha Jr. and Mary Mew Lan Todd. Noah's parents, as listed on his marriage certificate, were Edward Kealoha Woodward and and Mary Keaunui. On his death certificate, however, his parents are listed as
William Akana and Mabel Woodward. lf anyone has any information, please contact Lei Kealoha-Campbell at P.O. Box 71 1 163, San Diego, CA 92171 or by e-mail: kuauhau@ancestry.com, or eontact Ethelynene K. Soares-Teves at 8432378, P.O. Box 17688, Honolulu 96817, or e-mail at: kumulipo@ancestry.com. Lindsey — "Nā Mamo Aloha a Thomas John Weston Lindsey" will hold their last reunion for this century in Waimea, South Kohala, Hawai'i, beginning July 23. We will honor the eldest kupuna from eaeh of the children of William Miller Seymour Lindsey and Herneitta Kaluna Kainapau. For information, eall Allen Uiha Ai at 572-0453 (Maui), or write to 52 Alokele Pl„ Pukalani, Maui, HI 96768-8202. Maalea — We are seeking information on our grandmother Esther and our Aunt Sarah of Maui. Their parents were George and Esther E. Kakela Maalea. If you have any information, please contact Pat Awa at 329-3338 (Hawai'i) or write to P.O. Box 716. Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i 96745. Manner — Descendants of Francis Jacob (Kekai) Manner Sr. and Mildred Montero Manner are planning their first family reunion the weekend of July 15, 2000, in Honolulu. Please contact Moana (Manner) Kerlegan at (510) 4713071 or write to 34430 Benedick Lane, Fremont, CA 94555. Namau'u — A reunion is planned for July 3 - 5 at the Mo'omomi Beach Pavilion on Moloka'i for the descendants of Māhua Namau'u (k), bom in Kalaoa,
Kona: and Naioma Opio (w) bom in Aleamai. Keoki "George" Namau'u (a.k.a. Namau, born in Kalaoa, N. Kohala) and Hannah Nihoa (a.k.a. Malaki, born in Pepe'ekeo), were our grandparents. Hartwell Nihoa (a.k.a. Malaki), bom Hilo and Ope'a Elvin Kimo a.k.a. Ope'a Kaluikapa (w), born in Hilo, were our great grandparents. Deadline for attendance is March 15. For information, write to Aliee Namakaeha-Fifita at 98-854 Noelani St„ #64. Pearl City, HI 96782, or eall 2229420 (evenings after 7:30). Pahukoa — Descendants of Thomas Kumukoa Pahukoa and Mariana Kepapauai Manono are holding their 'ohana reunion June 17 - 20 in Ke'anae, Maui. Their children were Harry Kumukoa, Helen Kahalewai, Esther Kekela, Thomas Christopher, Elizabeth Mauliola, Abraham Mahea, Abraham Manono. Abraham Kanoelani (Duke), Lilian Kalepoli Liliana (Poli), Lily Kawahine with one surviving. Loretta Louisa (Yap) of Pauwela, Maui. For information, eall O'ahu chairperson Meleana Aloy at 4565215, 2357 Ho'oha'i St„ Pearl City, HI 96782, or Maui co-chairperson, Joseph Young, at 661-6718 Warren / Keaweaimoku — The descendants of Charles F. A. Wamen and Han nah Keaweaimoku are gathering family information and photos īn preparation for an upcoming reunton. A quick response from all 'ohana will allow for a firm event date ! For information, eall Mary at 696-3408: Agnes at 696-5240; or Jackie at 695-8484. ■