Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1999 — Kumuhea kupu ʻino — ʻŌlelo Noʻeau [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kumuhea kupu ʻino — ʻŌlelo Noʻeau
By C I o I i e Hughes Dept. of Health THIS SAYING means anvthing destructive to the health. The mo'olelo behind this saying tells of the evil demigod Kumuhea who alternately took the form of a human and the form of a caterpillar. He lived in Pu'u'enuhe in the Ka'ū district. Kumuhea was marned to a human woman. He ruined her heakh and almost caused her death bv keeping her on a diet entirely of sweet potato leaves. Her father finally called upon his father. the god Kū. for assistance. Kū deprived Kumuhea of his human form, making it impossible for him to live with his wife anvmore Today. the pathways to the poor health condition and illnesses of Native Hawaiians are numerous. Cancer may be caused by working with harmful substances, smoking or by eating or drinking harmful substances. Any combination of these. such as smokrng and unhealthy eating. ean be especially lethal. One of the reasons Hawaiians have more illness is that we have adopted as "loeal" some par
ticularly destructive habits, especially when used to excess. Studies show that modern Hawaiians are consuming about 30 or 40 percent more fat than our ancestors. Many scientific studies tell us that a high daily consumption of fat, particulariy ammal fat. is related to high rates of specific cancers. sucn as prostate and eoion cancer. and may also be related to an increased nsk of lung and skin eaneei Another eommon practice today is eating canned or preserved meats. such as Vienna sausage, hot dogs. Portuguese sausage, bacon and canned or preser\'ed luneheon meats We are known to eat LARGE ser\ ings of these. several times a day. The nitrates used as a preservative īn these meat products are potentially harmful, particularl\ if the meats are ealen in large quan-
tities and often. Nitrosamines are compounds that eome from secondary amines (from amino acid components of protein and other substances). They have been found to cause cancer m numer ous species of laboratorv animals. in addition to being mutagenic (an agen! that interacts with DNA to
cause a perma nent transmissible change īn the genetic material of the eell). Scientists believe that, as a group. the N-nitroso compounds cause cancer m numerous animals tested. Therefore, the National Academv of Science, as far back as 1981, recommended that exposure to nitrate. nitrite and Nnitroso should be reduced. N nitrosodimethylamine is found in tiny amounts in cooked bacon.
cheese and some nitrite-preserved foods. N-nitrosopyrrolidine was identified in cooked bacon. Another harmfui compound is Aflatoxin, a poisonous substance that occurs in grains. such as wheat and rye. and īn peanuts, especiallv if noorly stored We know that aflatoxin > cause cancer īn several types of animals, particularly when a lot oi the food is consumed In addition. mycotoxins have been shown to be mutagenic īn bactena and mammals Several other mycotoxins found īn food are also carcinogemc and/or mutagenic in laborator tests It is important to understand that eating lots of vegetables and fruits every day ean reduce your nsk of many cancers. Instead of the sin-gle-food diet illustrated in the mo'olelo, humans need to eat a
vanety of vegetables and fruits These foods eontain many ingredients that help the body protect itself against cancer Among the carotenoids. folic acid, vitamin C. phytoestrogens and fibei Carotenoids are found in orangecolored and deepgreen colored vegetables and fruits, such as 'uala and lū'au leaf: Papaya,
citrus fruits. eommon mango and guava contain vitamin C. Folic acid is found in green vegetables, whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat, etc.), kalo and legumes. The phytoestrogens are found in soybean products, such as tofu, and fiber is found in all of the above. What we see from this is that our traditional diet was and still is very appropriate. Our ancestors were strong and healthy on the traditional diet. With a return to our traditional foods we ean be, too. ■
"Mariy scientific studies tell us that a high daily constimption of fat. partictilarly aninial fat, is related to high rates of specific jL carrcers.