Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1999 — Tutorial conference [ARTICLE]
Tutorial conference
OHA's 5th Annual Tutorial Conference will be held Wed., Apiil 14 at the Dole Ballrooms in Iwilei, Honolulu. The conferenee fee, $20, includes luneh. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss aeeomplishments as well as mumal concerns. Those seeking to establish similar programs are weleome to attend. OHA tutorial programs assist Native Hawaiian children in completing current grade-level work as well as in improving test scores and attitudinal ratings. The deadline to submit tutorial proposals is June 30. For more information, eall OHA at 5941912. Neighbor island residents may eall toll-free from Hawai'i by dialing 1-800-974-4000, or from all other islands, 1-800-468-4644, extension 41912.