Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 2, 1 February 1999 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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e A L L S U M M E R PROGRAMS NOW! Call now to be placed on our mailing list for one or more of Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate's Summer Programs. Applications will be mailed in March. Call 842-8295 on O'ahu, or Neighbor Islands eall 1-800-842-4682, ext. 8295. Meanwhile, get a head start by gathering the following documents.

Campus June 16 to July 27, lf applying Filled out as part Forspecial Summer School morning and afternoon for Financial Aid of application classes Performing Arts June 16 to July 27, II applying Filled out as part Academy afternoon for Financial Aid of application Ho'omāka'ika'i: Seven one-week Required* Physical exam Explorations boarding sessions, completed after starting June 13 7/1/97 required Kamehameha Seven one-week Required* Physical exam 3rd quarter One Required Computer Camp boarding sessions, completed after report card starting June 13 7/1/97 required Kūlia I Ka Pono Three two-week Required* Physical exam 3rd quarter Two Required boarding sessions, compieted after report card starting June 20 7/1/97 required Kamehameha 0ne16-day Requiredfor Physical exam 0fficial Two Required lnstitute for boarding session, students from completed after transcripts lnternational Studies July 23 to August 7 the USA* 7/1/97 required

Financial aid is available for all programs. A completed financial aid form is required for eaeh child applying for aid for one or more programs. Applications will be mailed out beginning February. Begin now to gather the necessary documentation. You will need: 1. Completed 1998 IRS 1040 Federal ineome Tax Return and W-2 Forms. If federal tax return is not available, submit 1998 state ineome tax return and W-2 forms. Documentation also needed if currently receiving public assistance. 2. The child's birth certificate indicating Hawaiian descent. If Hawaiian is not on child's birth certificate, include a photocopy of the parent's birth certificate whieh lists Hawaiian descent. If the child is adopted, eouil documents indicating Hawaiian descent are required.

Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate KSBFs admissions policy to give preference to individuals of Native Hawaiian descent as permitted by law has been ruled non-discriminatory by the IRS. *Birth certificates are required to qualify for this preference.

• Ka Wai Ola o OHA, Office of Hawaiian Affairs 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813-5249

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