Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 2, 1 February 1999 — OHABOARD OF TRUSTEES [ARTICLE]

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% • Rowena Akana CH airperson & Trustee-At-Large Hannlh Kihalani Springer Vice-Chair & Trustee, Hawai'i Haiipani Apoliona Trustee-At-Large A. Frenchy DeSoto TrusteI|-At-Large MililaAB. Trask Trustee-^t-Large Louis Hao Trustee, Maui Clayton Ff\e Trustee, O'ahu Moses K. Keale Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau k Colette Y. Pi'ipi'i Maeha'elo Trustee, Moloka'i & Lāna'i s ADMINISTR ATION Randall Ogata Aoministrator Published by%f Office o&aumim Affairs PubliMpform^0n Office PUBLIC lNFORMATION OfFICER Jayson Harper PUBLICATIONS SpECIALIST Manu BoyoX \ Paula Durhin^k PUBLICATIONS ĒDITORS \j Lei Lonoaea PIO secretary % Charles Ogata volunteer m V W? Ka Wai Ola o ŌHA "The Liv^g Waterj$OHA" Puh!ished month!v hy rhfe£)ffi^Pof Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapi'olani Boulevard, 5th IhK^.'Hwnolulu, Hawai'i 96813. \Teiephone: 594-1980 or 1 -80&468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: »4-1865. E-maii: <>ha@aloha.neR^url>.l Wide Weh location: hf^://wwwL<3hā.<rtg.T:\īrculation: copies, 60,000 of/ whifth::are distrihuted ;by mail, 7,000 iif|(jugh island state ānd county offtces, private and eom ftwy agencies aiid targe; g^>ups and individuals. K a Wai Oia o 0>HA is pnntcd by RFD iiihlieaeion». ine. Hawaiian fonts are by Coconut l«o. Oraphīcs ate ffom Click Hawaiian Art, 1996 Vare:/Ci. Advertising tn Ka Wai Ola o OHA does npf constttute an ent®js&ienti^ or individuals hy Ihe Office of Hawaiian Ka Wai O/a o OH.4 :is pubiished hy the Qf\e of Hawaiian Affairs to heip inform tts Hawaiian bcneficiaries and other tnterested parttes ahout Hawaiian is<ues and activtties and OHA programs and efforts.' -^tettsof iruerest to the Hawauan communiry are included in tfie C»i&ndar on a space avatiab1e ^hash. lnckiston does not constitttte «ndorsemcnt or validation of theevent or the sponsor by the C^|^)f Hāwāiian Affāirs7 : Noticc to Rcadersr .' Ka Wtu o OHA wiii«ceept for consideraticff > Wws reieasj> and Iett-.:rs ro rhe editor on topics of relevanc4 anTfRterest to . i'OHA .ind H;iwaiians, as well as ealendat events andfeunion n>->tices. Ka Wat Ola o OllA rcscrves the right to ed*tt ail materiai ft>r īcngth and content, or not to publish as availah!c space or orher cott»iderations may re<jtnre. Ka Wai Oia o OHA does not accept ,unsolicīted mat\uscripts. t)eadline for suhmission$ ts the 'e%hffi day of every month. Late submis--īons are considered on!y*ffo a 5pace-avatiublc hasis. A copy of thc newspaper ts mallcd e:tch month to the oldest registered OHA voter at eaeh āddfess, to be shared by the houselu>!d. T o ennimue rcct ivii%pK7t®Dtt Oia o OHA, please . • rememher to vote in eaeh eleeeioni C%r m3jling list is based on thc QHA-voter lists and when the cly agt<i. cnunty dedb> : purgc t'ne hsr of no£t-voters, our list is also aftcSe<|- Mahalo' FOR ADVERTIS!NG RATES, Ss J CALL WORLD PRESS tNC. AT 627-1327 - © 1999 OffiCe of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights reservcd.