Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1999 — PEPELUALI [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
199HiF ek r u a r y calen Ja r ° f ev- " 1 s . |
feb. 5, 6 — Annual Punahou School Carnival. "Sittin ' on Top of the World" is the theme for this long-standing family event. Games, 'ono food, white elephant, fresh produce, auction, entertainment and 20 action-packed E.K. Fernandez rides. 11:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Punahou School, Wilder Ave., Honolulu. Free admission to carnival grounds. For information, eall 944-5873. Feb. 13 — Kūkahi Sovereignty Forum. The Kūkahi Coalition is sponsoring a sovereignty forum at the UH Mānoa Center for Hawaiian Studies. Keynote speaker will be Dan Foley, an attorney who has worked on indigenous rights. 9 a.m. Hālau o Haumea. For more information, eall 262-8741. Feb. 13 — Kama'āina Day at the Mission Houses Museum. Costumed guides talk about early missionary hfe in Honolulu. Guided tours, games and demonstrations. All day. Mission Houses Museum, Kawaia- j ha'o St., Honolulu. Reduced rate for 1 residents. For more information, eall 531-0481. Feb. 13, 20— i Entanglements , " The Honolulu Theatre for Youth presents "Entanglements," a fun introduction to "classic" theater through scenes relevant to today's teen audiences. Directed by Kumu Kahua's Harry Wong III, "Entanglements" offers audiences the ehanee to make connections between classical hterature and their own lives. 7:30 (2/13), 4:30 and 7:30 (2/20). Tenney Theatre, St.
Andrew's Cathedral. $10, adults; $7.50, college and high schoo] students with I.D.; $5, youths 3-12 and senior cihzens over 60. For information, eall 839-9885. Feb. 13-16 — Annual Clearance Sale at the Academy Shop. The Academy Shop at the Honolulu Academy of Arts wih hold its annual clearance sale with discounts from 25 - 80 percent. Art books, folk art, posters, jewelry, ethnic clothing and other items are available. Free entrance to shop only. Mon. - Sat., 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. For more information, eall 523-8700. Feb. 14 — Ho'omau '99. Join O'ahu students of Pūnana Leo and Nā Kula Kaiapuni in their annual benefit concert supporting Hawahan lan-
guage education. Entertamers mclude Ho'okena, Ho'onu'a, Darren Benitez, Ikona and Sudden Rush. 5 p.m. Waikīkī SheU. $18 and $15. For more information, eall 834-1697. Feb. 14 — Hālau i ka Wēkiu Concert. Kumu Hula Karl "Veto" Baker and Miehael Casupang present "Love Is...," a fund-raising concert for Hālau i ka Wēkiu. 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. St. Louis Center for Performing Arts, Mamiya Theater. $20. For tickets and information, eall 951-7400. Feb. 14 — Quilt Day in Volcano. Master quUter Ehzabeth Akana wiU be registering quUt patterns that are either new or that pre-date 1960 as part of the Hawanan quilt research project. 1 1 a.m. - 5 p.m. Volcano Arts Center. Free. For more informahon, eaU the Volcano Arts Center at 9678222 (Hawai'i). Feb. 20 — Hanalei Trio at the Volcano. Steel guitarist Ken Emerson wUl perform with the Hanalei Trio at the KUauea Theater. HUo guitarist Rupert Tripp wiU open the show. 7:30 p.m. Kīlauea Theater, Volcanoes Nahonal Park. $8. For more informahon, eall 967-8222 (Hawai'i). Feb. 27 — "Celebrating the Masters of the
20th Century." Kekuhi Kanahele and Kaipo Frias offer workshops that delve into the mysteries and kaona (hidden meanings) of hula and chant the last Saturday of February, March, April and May. Workshops,
to be held at the Hawai'i Mantime Center's Paeihe Room, wUl be followed by concerts featuring Kekuhi Kanahele in Bishop Museum's Hawaiian Hall. Supported by the Nahve Hawaiian Cultural and Arts Program in cooperation with the Mountain Apple Company. Workshops, 9-11 a.m., and noon - 2 p.m. Evening museum concerts, 7 p.m. Hawai'i Maritime Center and Bishop Museum. Workshop sessions, $50. Concerts, $15. For more information, eall 848-4144. ■ ■MIHMHa Ka Wai Ola o OHA accepts informahon on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian eommunity Fund rasiers, benefit concerts, cultural achvihes, sports events and the like are what we'd like to help you prc>mote. Sendcalendareventsalongwitha brief desaiption, contact name and phone number and color photos to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813.
The Honolulu Theatre for Youth perform "Entanglements" this month.
"Sudden Rush,"Xhe Hawaiian rap and "hip hop"group from Hilo, onee again supports 'ōlelo Hawai'i by peforming at the Ho'omau benefit concert on Feb. 14.