Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 2, 1 February 1999 — OHA's 2000 -- 2001 Biennium Budget [ARTICLE]

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OHA's 2000 -- 2001 Biennium Budget

To obtain its allocation from the State of Hawai'is general fund, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs submits its hiennium budget to the legislature every two years. The budget to be submitted during the 1999 legislative session appears in summary form below. Beneficiaries may participate in this process by mailing or phoning your comments to the Office of the Administrator,71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., 5th floor, Honolulu 96813 (808-594-1890). Beneficiaries on neighbor islands may route your concerns through your loeal Community Affairs Coordinator. To review a complete copy of OHA's hiennium budget, please eall the Office of the Administrator or your CAC. Annual reports are published on the activities of eaeh fiscal year; copies are available at OH A's Honolulu office, at libraries throughout the state and, by March 3 1 , on OHA's website. Mahalo!

OHA 100 FY-00* $1,161,941 FY-01* 1,161,941 F B- 01* $2,323,882 OHA 100 is also referred to as Policy and Administration. The Office of the Administrator guides the organization within the parameters set by the Board of Trustees and in response to the concems and interests of the beneficiaries. OHA 101 FY-00 $1,061,744 FY-01 1,061,744 FB-01 $2,123,488 The Administrative Services Division, OHA 101, provides support to OHA through budgeting, accounting, human resources and maintenance of a management information system. It also tracks OHA's investment portfolio to ensure eomphanee with policies and earning goals set by the board. OHA 102 FY-00 $465,670 FY-01 465,670 FB-01 $931,340 The Public Information Olliee, OHA 102, publishes the Ka Wai Ola o OHA and develops and produces press releases and conferences, reports and brochures to keep the Native Hawaiian community and the general public informed about OHA's plans, activities and accomplishments as well as about other events and issues of interest to Native Hawaiians. PIO also coordinates OHA's advertising and pubhc relations efforts.

OHA 103 FY-00 $771,085 FY-01 771,085 FB- 01 $ 1,542,170 OHA's Heahh and Human Services Division, OHA 103, is committed to assisting community agencies in providing effective services to Hawaiians with greater needs, beginning with food, shelter, clothing and wellness. Additionally, it supports Alu Like's Multi-Service System Project, and the Wai'anae Diet, and it works in cooperation with other Hawaiian programs. OHA 104 FY-00 $652,728 FY-01 590,211 FB-01 $1,242,939 The Office of Planning and Research, OHA 104, assists divisions and offices with developing conceptual and operating plans, and researches and evaluates their effectiveness. It also eonducts planning, research and evaluations to better identify the Hawaiian eommunity and its needs. Every two years, it updates and republishes the 600-page Native Hawaiian Data Book distributed to pubhc libraries, coheges and universities, and Native Hawaiian agencies and organizations. A range of grant opportunities is based in this division. OHA 105 FY-00 $91,500 FY-01 91,500 FB-01 $183,000 OHA's Culture Office, OHA 105, works to promote and preserve the eulture and language of the Hawaiian people. It conducts in-house workshops, including language instmction, participates in repatriation of artifacts and remains, and provides translation services and protocol guidance to the organization and the community. The staff networks with other indigenous groups.

OHA 106 FY-00 $130,760 FY-01 $130,760 FB-01 $261,520 The Government Affairs Office, OHA 106, works to involve Hawaiians in the pohtical process at ah levels. It coordinates voter education, distributing appropriate material. During the legislative sessions, it coordinates OHA's efforts to draft, introduce and support the passage of legislation beneficial to Native Hawaiians and opposes legislation detrimental to OHA and its beneficiaries. OHA 107 FY-00 $1,167,290 FY-01 1,167,290 FB- 01 $2,334,580 The Land and Natural Resources Division, OHA 107, monitors all government and private agencies affecting ceded lands, Native Hawaiian rights and natural resources;y; advocates on issues related to land and natural resources whieh may impact Native Hawaiians individuals or communities; and manages cultural and historic properties held by the Office of Hawaiian Alfairs. Among the programs it supports are the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation and the Kuleana Escheat Project whieh defends title to kuleana lands when there appears to be no heir. OHA 108 FY-00 $1,008,969 FY-01 1,008,969 FB-01 $2,017,938 The Eeonomie Development Division, OHA 108, assists Hawaiians in achieving equality in living standards and eeonomie endeavors through ownership of successful businesses and eommunity enterprises. In this connection, its Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan

Fund provides loans to Hawaiian-owned small businesses as well as technical assistance and training to loan applicants and borrowers. The division encourages community-based eeonomie development through workshops, training institutes, funding mechanisms and technical assistance. Through funding from the Administration for Native Americans, families on O'ahu, Moloka'i and Hawai' are learning to grow native plants used in the landscape industry. OHA 109 FY-00 $552, 645 FY-01 552, 645 FB-01 $1,105,290 The Education Division, OHA 109, recognizes that education is a life long experience. It addresses the developmental needs of eaeh phase of life through preschool tuition assistance, tutorials, post secondary scholarships, 'Aha 'Ōpio and 'Aha Kupuna. It also honors excellence in education with its Ke Kukui Mālamalama Award. OHA 110 FY-00 $133,405 FY-01 133,405 FB- 01 $266,810 The Housing Division, OHA 1 10, works cooperatively with others in building or rebuilding safe, self-sufficient Native Hawaiian communities by planning and implementing programs that foster the development of decent, affordable housing for Native Hawaiians. It offers low-inter-est loans to homesteaders, facilitates selfhelp housing projects and is planning a stopgap, emergency project to address homelessness. * FY-00, or Fiscal 2000, runs from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000. FY-01, Fiscal 2001, covers July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001. FB-01, Fiscal Biennium 2001, begins July 1, 1999 and ends June 30, 2001. U