Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1999 — Ola Nā Iwi 1999 [ARTICLE]
Ola Nā Iwi 1999
OHA Directory of Hawaiian Artists and Cultural Resources The Office of Hawaiian Affpirs is seeking your kōkua in obtaining information on Hawaiian eultural practitioners, artists, cultural resources, clubs, organizations, etc. ' ! OHA has published three cultural directoires whieh have been useful to the entire community. "Ola Nā Iwi, " "Kū Mai Ka Po'e Hula: Directory of Hula Resources, " and "Nā Lima Mikioi: Directoy of Weavers and Fiber Artists. " W wr Information submitted will be published in the second edition of "Ola Nā Iwi"m summer 1999, a eompilation of all previous diredories and new information. * i - f 1 / i' Call OHA's Culture Office at 594-1930 to receive a participant's survey. All information must be received by March 31 for inclusion in the directory. Mahalo pihal