Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1999 — BOARD BUSINESS At its Jan 14 meeting [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BOARD BUSINESS At its Jan 14 meeting

the Board of Trui tees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs approved additional legislative measures that would provide tuition waivers for Native Hawaiians in the University of Hawai'i system; amend the Hawai'i Revised Stamtes to require the preparation of a cultural impact statement as part of any environmental review or assessment required under Section 343-1; protect the eonsumer by limiting the use of Hawaiian names in labeling aquatic products to those using fish caught in Hawaiian waters; and allow the trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to participate in the Employees' Retirement System and Pubic Employees Health Fund applicable to other salaried and elected state officers and ofīicials. It confirmed the appointments of E. Kalani Flores, James G. Lee. Angel Pilago and Jo-Anne Kahanamoku Sterling to the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council. On Jan 21, the trustees voted to reduce the Committee on Negotiations and Entitlements to the three piineipal members: Chair Akana and Trustees Hee and Trask. In doing so, the board eliminated the position of committee altemate held by Trustee DeSoto. ■