Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 2, 1 February 1999 — The results are in [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The results are in
ON JAN. 27, at their Kaka'ako headquarters, Hā Hawai'i officials announced the results of the controversial eiection to eleCt delegates to a convention to discuss proposals for a Native Hawaiian government. The eiection, held Jan. 1 7, drew 8.7 percent of the nearly 102,000 eligible voters. "Turnout in the Native Hawaiian
Concvention Elections was unfortunately low. Less than 9,000 participated in the election. Experience has ^ shown that elections throughout the nation have been as low as 1 0 percent. Elections of judges, pubiic board members and commissioners, and bond and policy issues. But that does not invalidate the election," said Ray Pua, Hā Hawai'i board member. "I believe the turnout is significantly See ELECTIONS on page 4
Raymond Pua of Hā Hawai'i announces that inspite of the 8.7 petcent voter turnout, the e!ection was a success.