Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 2, 1 February 1999 — BAD TIMES [ARTICLE]
Hawaiians, the aboriginal people, are under represented in Hawai'i's state government (judicial, legislative and executive branches). With its present makeup, they are doomed to dominance in their own homeland. Our Hawaiian nation stolen, American's eulture a failure, left out of the political power structure, our Hawaiian institutions (Kamehameha SchooIs Bishop Estate), ceded lands, entitlements under siege, rising scrutiny of Hawaiians for possible wrongdoing, our prisoners disproportionately of
Hawaiian ancestry. All of this boils down to a tragedy of grave eoneem. Auē. Hawaiians stand tall ! Fight this onslaught by our enemies who conspire to steal what assets remain bequeathed to us by our noble ancestors. Aloha 'āina. Paul Lemke Kapa'a