Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1999 — OPPOSITION LOGIC [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


On Nov. 15, the Honolulu Advertiser alleged a small group has virtually halted eeonomie development on the Big Island. As perhaps a member of this group, I am eompelled to respond. Yes, we oppose geothermal power because of poor design and incompetent execution. We oppose as asinine a new land fill across the highway from our resort hotels. No explanation should be necessary for why we oppose the pulp timber proposal. How in the world would pulp replace sugar? We oppose the prison because we don't beheve locking people up in a remote and isolated "pen" is a responsible approach to deahng with crime. We oppose a multi-lane freeway See LETTERS on page 3

through Kona whieh restricts movement from side to side. We are outraged when an offshore company tells us to get off the beach so it ean film some trivia that insults our heritage. We oppose a nuclear treatment facility as a method to gain entry to mainland markets when no other fruit producer is required to have one. We object to a condominium on one of the last open Kona coast beaches. There are better alternatives. On an island, space is finite and there is little room for mistakes. Kelly Greenwell Kailua-Kona

LETTERS From page 2