Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 1, 1 January 1999 — KAUAʻI NUISANCE [ARTICLE]

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Here are some reasons why the ugly sea wall at Aliomanu, Kaua'i should be taken down: 1 . The illegal rock wall was eontrary to Planning Commission specifications. 2. It sits on a puhlie heaeh. No records indicate acquisition of ownership. There are no proper permits or proper insurance for the windfall of instant accretion of state land whieh the squatters elaim. 3. The ongoing erosion is drastic, as mueh as ten feet per year since the illegal rock wall was built, aCcording to University of Hawai'i erosion experts Noda and Fletcher. Some landowners have lost 40 to 60 feet of beautiful sandy heaeh. The sea wall's owners violated every condition imposed by the Planning Commission and have made a mockery of it. Both the county and state have allowed this

issue to drag on with no end in sight. The controversy has been in the courts for months now. More puhlie participation is needed. The puhlie must reahze the damaging impact on our shoreline. The only just decision is to bring the illegal . sea wall down. Paul Lemke Kapa'a