Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 1, 1 January 1999 — MAKAʻALA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
■<in . * H ,VIIUHJ VI l/ui t(UUl lil UJ M/UliU u II, 171 im ljui.mii i.«,L'U.i.,v» i ,f > The new legislative session begins in just a few weeks. With the reorganization of the House, the Hawaiian Affairs committee was eliminated. To track issues that affect them, Hawaiians will need to be maka'ala — vigilant and alert — and participate actively in the political system. iiiii i iil 1 1! \ >ur 1 lawaiian lientagp aiM I. umq^teness m an is.li.ii m i Suu.e, (hi is(Titeel our effoits to fulfi!l liie |ihiK)scphy deeai*d i>\' 1 1 le 1 lciwa.fi State riiotttx uUa mau ke ea o ka 'aina i ka |:m:hto, '