Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 1, 1 January 1999 — OHA mandatory business training series [ARTICLE]
OHA mandatory business training series
Adecade ago, OHA launched the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund, a program created to provide loans to Hawaiian-owned businesses that do not qualify for financing from conventional lenders. With grants from the Administration for Native Americans and matching funds from OHA, the NHRLF has made 3 1 1 loans totahng $14 million to a variety of new and existing Hawaiian businesses throughout the state. Loans are available up to $75,000 to quahfied apphcants. Completion of a training program is now a requirement for receiving a loan. To support entrepreneurs, OHA has funded a network of classes whieh will be conducted by three different training organizations. These classes, whieh are free or for a nominal cost, provide apphcants with the knowledge and
skills needed to successfuhy own and operate a business. Training is designed to meet the needs of entrepreneurs with three levels of expertise. These include microenterprises or very small businesses (needing less than $10,000 in Unaneing); basic entrepreneurship training; and advanced training. An additional course will be conducted whieh focuses exclusively on how to write a business plan. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to apply by cahing the NHRLF's Honolulu office at 594-1921 or any of the neighbor island OHA offices for an applieahon. If you qualify for OHA's program, loan officers will help you determine whieh training class will best meet your needs. Below is a fivemonth, six island chart with courses offered and their sponsoring agencies. ■
| O'ahu | Hawai'i j Maui j Kaua'i Moloka'i | Lōna'i Jan. m i m i m i m j m j m b j j a } bp j j - ; * f.. Feb. a i a i bp b j bp j bp j b j March i b Apr. m ! m i m i m m m I I a i a i bp ī j j bp j bp j j j May a i b b i I ! i i i bp i ; i I