Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1999 — HOʻ ĀKOAKOA IWIKUAMOʻI --ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Aikau — In preparation for a reunion in 2001, we are looking for descendants of Solomon Naaieono Aikau and Mary Kalola Holomalia from Hāmoa, Maui. We are also looking for information on the descendants of Aikauakalaninuiaimoku (Hewahewa) b. 1837 and Kahopehele Swift b. 1841. Contact Carl Eldridge at 244-3028, or write to P.O. Box 52, Wailuku, HI 96793. Anae — We are seeking information on Joel Anae, bom in 1877 in the South Kona area of Hawai'i. He was one of our ancestors who signed the Palapala Ho'opi'i Kū'ē Ho'ohui 'Āina (petition against annexation) in 1897. Please contact Lokelani Anae Moreno, P. O

Box 61992, Honolulu, HI 96839 or eall 3966286. Baker — The Robert Hoapili Baker Clan is planning a reunion for June 10 - 13 at Wanini Beach, Kaua'i. Opening ceremony on June 10. For more information, contact Val Medina at 822-1963 (eves) or Write to Kauai Baker Reunion, 4767 Mailehuna Rd., Kapa'a, HI 96746, Hoapili — "'Ahahui o nā Pua Pu'ukoa," the descendants of Kawaewaenui (k) and Neeneemahe (w), brother and sister, and hanai children of Pu'ukoa Hoapili bom in 1857 on Maui, are planning a reunion in July in Hon-

olulu. Descendants of Kawaewaenui Hoapih include Ekekela Breen, Kamekona Breen, Alekiko Breen, Samuel Hanoa Kaeueu, Mariah Andrews, Iokepa Halalu (of Kalaupapa) and Kaimanukawekiu (of Kalaupapa); and the descendants of Neeneemalie Hoapih Keaulana: Kolomona Hoapih, Kameelehiwa Keaulana; and from Kalaupapa: Kapuaomaomao Andrews, Pekelo Young-Hanoa, Robert Hoke-Opukea and Carolina Neenee McHugh. For more information, eall Aulani Apo at 941-4266. Kaleo/Makahawai — The descendants of John Kepo'o Kaleo and Kuihewa Makahawai are planning a reunion to be held in 1999 in

Paukūkalo, Maui. Their children were Pualiinuwai Kaleo, Imihia Kaleo, Kimeona Kepo'o Kaleo, Kalunu Kaleo, John Kaohuaaiai, Pepehia Kaleo, Isaac Kilinahe Kaleo and James Makole Kaleo. For more information, eall Pedro (Kaleo) Sado Jr. at 572-0185 or write to P.O. Box 245, Pu'unēnē, HI 96784; or Lomaine (Kaleo) Adolpho at 244-0663, or write to 782 Kūhiō Pl., Wailuku, HI 96793. Kaluakawaa — The descendants of Solomon Palau Kaluakawaa and Ehzabeth Nawahinemakaokekai Paakaula of Napo'opo'o, South Kona, are planning a reunion for Aug. 14 - 16, 1999 in Hilo. For See REUNIONS on page 14

information, eall Alexander Harris at 935-9246; Pauleen Torres at 847-5507, or Kehau Malama Brian at 955-7905. Lindsey — "Nā Mamo Aloha a Thomas John Weston Lindsey" will hold their last reunion for this eentury in Waimea, South Kohala, Hawai'i, beginning July 23. We will honor the eldest kūpuna from eaeh of the children of William Miller Seymour Lindsey and Henrietta Kaluna Kainapau. For information, eall Allen Uiha Ai at 5720453 (Maui), or write to 52 Alokele

Pl„ Pukalani. Maui, HI %7688202. Maalea — We are seeking information on our grandmother Esther and our Aunt Sarah of Maui. Their parents were George and Esther E. Kakela Maalea. If you have any information, please contact Pat Awa at 329-3338 (Hawai'i) or write to P.O. Box 716, KailuaKona, Hawai'i 96745. Manner — Descendants of Francis Jacob (Kekai) Manner, Sr. And Mildred Montero Manner are planning their first family reunion tlie weekend of July 15, 2000 in Honolulu. Please contact Moana (Man-

ner) Keriegan at (510) 471-3071 or write to 34430 Benedick Lane, Fremont. CA 94555. Piipali/Kelekahi — Looking for information on family members Piīpali, Nanini, Makua, a.k.a. Alakua Kelekahi of Koloa, Kaua'i. Also, Kealoha Kaluna Ka'aimaunu, mother of William J. Mutch of Hāna, Maui. Please contact Evelyn Kamakawiwo'ole, 1 126, 19th Ave., Honolulu, H1 96816. Namau'u — A reunion is planned for July 3 - 5 at the Mo'omomi Beach Pavilion for the descendants of Māhua Namau'u (k), born in Kalaoa. Kona; and Naioma pio (w)

born in 'Ale'amai. Keoiki "George" Namau'u (a.k.a. Namau, Born in Kaloa, N. Kohaa) and Hannah Nihoa (a.k.a. Makala, born in Pepe'ekeo), were our grandparents. Hartwell Nihoa (a.k.a. Malaki), born Hilo and Ope'a Elvin Kimo a.k.a. Opea Aluikapa (w), born Hilo, were our great- grandparents. We are extending an open envitation to our 'ohana on both sides to eome an join us. Plan to eamp. Deadline is March 15. For more information. write to Aliee Namakaeha-Fifita, 98-854 Noelani St. #64. Pearl City, HI 96782, or eall 222-9420 (eves after 7:30 p.m.).

Swift — The descendants of John Swift through his sons Joseph (Nagi) Swift [with Hiona Makia, Naimu (or Lily), Luka ( or Kaumulii) and Ned (Ilao) Swift are having their 1999 reunion in Maui, June 18 - 19. We are especially looking for the descendants of Ned Swift. Please contact Barbara Swift at 395-4185 (e-mail: swift@gte.net) or Kathleen Shimada (Maui) at 877-0839 (e-mail: hokulani@gte.net). Any genealogy information is appreciated. Send to Swift 'Ohana Reunion, 838 Maniniholo St„ Honolulu, HI 96825-2740. ■

REUNIONS From page 13