Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 1, 1 January 1999 — Standing committees named, two restructured [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Standing committees named, two restructured
By Manu Boyd N THE middle of the traditional harvest season of Lono, when sports and recreation were onee the fare of the day, the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has been hard at work laying the foundation for the challenges and opportunities ahead. On Dec. I and 8, with OHA Chairperson Rowena Noelani Akana at the
helm, the Board of Trustees ratified the composition of its six standing committees, restructuring and renaming two to reflect a shift
īn direction. Under OHA's bylaws, the decisions of the board formulate and develop. Action items that fail in the standing committees are not heard by the full board. According to Section VIII ofOHA's bylaws, the standing committees are the "Committee on Budget and Finance, Committee on Policy and Planing, Committee on Pro-
gram Management, Committee on Legislative and Governmental Affairs, Com-
mittee on Land and Sovereignty, and the Ad Hoe Committee on Entitlements and Negotiations."
The two restructured committees passed through the two separate readings and were approved by the boafd as the bylaws require. Governmental Affairs and Sovereignty, formerly Legislative and Governmental Affairs, is now chaired by Trustee Mililani Trask; and Land, formerly Land and Sovereignty, is led by Trustee Hannah Springer. Governmental Affairs and Sovereignty
will now be responsible for OHA's legislative agenda and advocacy efforts with the federal, state and county on Hawaiian issues and concerns. It will also conduct advocacy efforts in matters specifically related to sovereignty, with the oversight of OHA's role in related educational processes and consensus building. The Committee on Land will oversee any interest in real estate held
or acquired by OHA, and will execute policy on the management of those lands as well as on land use, native rights and natural and cultural resources, including the inventory, identification, analysis and treatment of land, native rights and natural and cultural resources. The purviews of other committees remain unchanged. Their leadership is
as follows: Budget and Finance, Trustee Clayton Hee, chair; Policy and Planning, Trustee Moses Keale, chair; Program Management, Trustee Louis Hao, chair. The ad hoe Committee on Entitlements and Negotiations is chaired by Trustee Rowena Akana with Trustee Hee as vice chair, Trustee Trask as a member and Trustee Frenchy DeSoto as an alternate. Revisions in leadership and structure represents a
new order at OHA. Newly-elected trustees
Hao and Trask eaeh hold chairmanships, as do Akana, Hee, Keale and Springer. Trustees Apoliona, DeSoto and Machado serve on 1 1 committees among them. In addition to board standing committees, Chair Akana eonfirmed a number of appojntments to various organizations. Vice Chair Springer will retain her seat on the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council, and the
Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park Advisory commission; Trustees Springer and
Trask will sit on the Mauna Kea Advisory Committee; Trustee Machado remain on the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Advisory Council; Chairperson Akana along with trustees Trask and Hao will be the OHA representatives for WESTPAC (Western Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Council) and Trustee Hao will serve on the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan
Fund Board. OHA Administrator Randall Ogata will continue to attend the meetings of Papa Ola Lōkahi, a Native Hawaiian Health initiative. At the Dec. 17 board meeting, Clayton Hee was assigned to OHA's seat on the Kaho'olawe Island Reserve Commission meetings. ■
STANDING (OMMITĪEES | BudqetGFinance Oiair: Qayton Hee, Vice Chair: LouisHao Members: Mililani Trask, Haunani Apoliona, Hannah Sprinqer, Moses Keale Sr„ (olette Machado Policy & Planninq Oiair: MosesKealeSr„ ViceChair: Hannah Sprinqer Members: Haunani Apoliona, (olette Machado, (layton Hee Proqram Management (hair: Louis Hao. Vice (hair: Frenchy DeSoto Members: Hannah Sprinqer, Mililani Irask, (olette Machado GovernmentalAffairs& Sovereignty (hair: Mililani Trask, Vice (hair: Frenchy DeSoto Members: (olette Machado, RowenaAkana, Hannah Sprinqer Land (hair: Hannah Sprinqer, Vice (hair: MililaniTrask Members: Louis Hao, Haunani Apoliona, Frenchy DeSoto | Entitlements & Negotiations (hair: Kowena Akana, Vice (hair: (layton Hee Member: Mililani Trask Alternate: Frenchy DeSoto „ - i ,i i i, •
BOARD OF TRUSTEES - At the Dec. 3 investiture ceremony at Kawaiaha'o Church, the OHA Board posed for a group photo. Standing: Hannah Springer, Haunani Apoliona, Colette Machado. Louis Ha'o, Rowena Akana, Mililani Trask, Clayton Hee. Seated: Moses Keale and Frenchy DeSoto.
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