Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 1, 1 January 1999 — PHOTOOP [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Lāna'i gets first CAC

The Kaupe Cultural Heritage Center, a Lana'i landmark, will be the site of the halftime Community Affairs Coordinator recently approved by the Board of Trustees to serve OHA's Hawaiian beneficiaries on the island. "I am especialiy proud that the new board put a high priority on Lana'i and approved this position during its first few weeks of work," said Chairperson Rowena Akana, who personally assisted in securing the sublease from the Queen Liii'uokalani Children's Center. "Our Lana'i beneficiaries ean look forward to increased participation in our projects and programs dealing with educa- | tion, housing, eeonomie development, health, sociai services and culture." ■