Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1998 — Hoʻakoakoa iwikuamoʻo -- ʻohana Reunions [ARTICLE]
Hoʻakoakoa iwikuamoʻo -- ʻohana Reunions
Hoapili — "'Ahahui o nā Pua Pu'ukoa," the descendants of Kawaewaenui (k) and Neeneemalie (w), brother and sister, and hānai children of Pu'ukoa Hoapili born in 1857 on Maui, are planning a reunion in July in Honolulu. Descendants of Kawaewaenui Hoapili include Ekekela Breen, Kamekona Breen, Alekiko Breen, Samuel Hanoa Kaeueu, Mariah Andrews, īokepa Halalu (of Kalaupapa) and Kaimanukawekiu (of Kalaupapa); and the descendants of Neeneemalie Hoapili Keaulana:
Kolomona Hoapili, Kameelehiwa Keaulana; and from Kalaupapa: Kapuaomaomao Andrews, Pekelo Young-Hanoa, Robert Hoke-Opukea and Carolina NeeneeMcHugh. For more information, eall Aulani Apo at 9414266. Kaleo/Makahawai — The descendants of John Kepo'o Kaleo and Kuihewa Makahawai are planning a reunion to be held in 1999 in Paukūkalo, Maui. Their children were Pualiinuwai Kaleo, Imihia Kaleo, Kimeona Kepo'o Kaleo, Kalunu Kaleo,
John Kaohuaaiai, Pepehia Kaleo, Isaac Kilinahe Kaleo and James Makole Kaleo. For more information, eall Pedro (Kaleo) Sado Jr. at 572-01 85 or write to P.O. Box 245, Pu'unēnē, HI 96784; or Lorraine (Kaleo) Adolpho at 244-0663, or write to 782 Kūhiō Pl., Wailuku, HI 96793. Kaluakawaa — The descendants of Solomon Palau Kaluakawaa and Elizabeth Nawahinemakaokekai Paakaula of Napo'opo'o, South Kona, are planning a reunion for Aug. 14 - 16, 1999inHilo. Forinforma-
tion, eall Alexander Harris at 935-9246; Pauleen Torres at 847-5507, or Kehau Malama Brian at 955-7905. Kaohi — The 'ohana of Joseph Kalua Kaohi and Rachel Kaneheokalani Makea Kaohi of Hanapepe, Kaua'i, are having their family reunion Dec. 31 - Jan. 3 in Hanapepe. For more information, eall 'Ala Kaleo-hano-Kuapahi at 335-9779; Mervin Kaohi at 338-9993; Rosalyn Kaohi Choi at 332-8239; or Nani Ching Hill at 335-6143. Swift — The descendants of
John Swift through his sons Joseph (Nagi) Swift [with Hiona Makia, Naimu (or Lily), Luka ( or Kaumulii) and Ned (Ilao) Swift) are having their 1999 reunion in Maui, June 18-19. Please contact Barbara Swift at 395-4185 (e-mail: mswift@gte.net) or Kathleen Shimada (Maui) at 877-0839 (email: hokulani@gte.net). Any genealogy information is appreciated. Send to Swift 'Ohana Reunion, 838 Maniniholo St., Honolulu, HI 96825-2740. ■