Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1998 — BOARD BUSINESS [ARTICLE]
At its Oct. 26 meeting on Kauai, the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs approved a funding request from Nā Leo Pēlama O Maui in the amount of $500,000 for a multi— purpose resource community center. It approved a supplemental request of $5.55 1 per month for salary and fringe benefits for a fulltime personal manager position and another $5,450 for related equipment, furniture and supplies. The trustees appropriated $194,923 to fund the total premium for the purchase of public officials and employment practices liability and bankers professional liability insurance for the board. It adopted a resolution supporting "tuition waivers for Hawaiians who are currently students and for those who qualify to become students, within the University of Hawai'i system, in such a way it would not compromise or otherwise afifect negotiations now taking plaee between OHA and the state." Finally, the board selected from among 15 nominees four educators who will be honored with OHA's Ke Kukui Mālamalama Award for excellence in Hawaiian education. On Nov. 2, the board approved a 1 999-2000 budget that includes $2.7 million in general funds from the state legislature. ■