Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 11, 1 November 1998 — Tuition waivers for our Hawaiian students [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Tuition waivers for our Hawaiian students
ALOHA MAI kakou e na Hawai'i, na 'a'ali'i kū makani. In 1993. Hawai'i's legislature passed Act 360 whieh granted 250 tuition waivers to Hawaiian students for the purpose of encouraging Hawaiians to pursue higher education. The enrollment of Hawai-
ians dunng that year increased by 3 percent, due partly to the availability of the tuition waivers. In 1995, Act 360 was repealed by Act 161 whieh began the process of full autonomy for the university. Theelimination of the Hawaiian tuition waivers has had a chilling effect on Hawaiian enrollmen as evidenced by a 4.4 percent drop in 19%. A subsequent act in 1998, Act 1 15, gave the University of Hawai'i absolute autonomy and gave the UH
Board of Regents the authority to waive tuition or any other fees for students. At our last meeting, the Legislative and Governmental Affairs Committee discussed the issue of supporting tuition waivers for Hawaiians who are currently students, and for those who qualify to become students, within the University of Hawai'i system. RegentWayne Kaho'onei Panoke, Professor Lilikalā
Kame'eleihiwa, Professor Haunani Kay Trask, Kua'ana Student Services Coordinator Ku'umeaaloha Gomes and others voiced their support. The need for tuition waiver for Hawaiians was brought to the LAGA committee's attention. Some Hawaiian students are forced these days to work full- time jobs to survive; others are pressured to stay home to help support
family members. Tuition has risen tremendously over the past years, and Hawaiian students must often choose between school and survival. Hawaiians deserve to have their tuition waived. It would be pono! The University of Hawai'i uses more than 1,700 acres of ceded lands from whieh revenues could be used to support tuition waivers for Hawaiians. The LAGA committee unanimously voted to support this concept and
will bring before the OHA Board of Trustees a resolution urging the UH Board of Regents to grant Hawaiians tuition waivers. As a grandfather with 1 1 mo'opuna, I fully support this measure. Educating Hawaiians is essential to the survival of our people. E kū like kākou! ■