Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1998 — Preparing for the next millennium [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Preparing for the next millennium

ANO'AI 'oukou! Well, the holiday season is already upon us. Time has cerThe following recapped articles reflect some of my concerns in the last few years. I believe that they will continue to be among the most important issues facing Hawaiians. • Feb. 10, 19%. "Hands offCeded Land Revenues." Hawaiians have a legal right to ceded land revenues; yet. Govemor Ben Cayetano considers Hawaiian entitlements a burden to the state treasury. The ceded land revenues we receive amount to less than onehalf of one percent of the total state budget. • Oct. 10, 1997. "Privatization ofSmall Boat Harbors." During the 1 997 legislative session. the governor signed Act 106 whieh created a task force in the Department of Land and Natural Resources to evaluate the feasibility and make recommendations on a eommu-nity-based management pilot program for one or more state small boat harbors. This bill started out establishing a three-year pilot program to convert one small boat harbor into an independent, privately-managed maiina in

accordance with an operating agreement with DLNR. However, puhlie outrage caused legislators to rewrite the bill into a vehiele whieh reviews the prudence of community-based management of small boat harbors. The real question is what happens to the loeal boater and fishermen when harbors are privatized? Will they be able to fish off the banks? • June 16,1997. "We Still

Didn 't Need the Whale Sanctuary." Our Board of Trustees opposed the whale sanctuary because it would restrict Hawaiian access to many resources. Besides the water surface, there are submerged lands, water columns, seabeds, flora, fauna and minerals from whieh our Hawaiians are being restricted. Would the federal government exercise its authority over the sanctuary in a manner consistent with the best interests of the Hawaiian trust? We didn't think so, but now we are saddled with "co-stewardship" over the

submerged ceded lands and other resources comprising the sanctuary. • February 1 994. "Storage of Nuclear Waste at Pearl Harbor." Prior to 1970. this waste was dumped at sea. The Navy is now looking for a permanent storage site. We should consider whether the price of national security is worth the cost of accepting I nuclear waste. The U.S. Navy maintains Hawaiian soil is relatively safe from Russian-sized ecological

disasters. But disasters are happening. if on a more limited, less visible scale. With all of Hawaii's eeonomie woes, the last thing our economy needs is an aeeident waiting to happen. • " Akana Targets Anti-Hawaiian Democrats." I made overtures to Republican legislators for help in finding candidates to seriously challenge Democratic lawmakers seen as "anti-Hawaiian." • An issue that is closer to home, is "The Blood Quantum." On Oct. 3, 1994, 1 wrote

about how blood quantum was dividing Hawaiians. By defining "Native Hawaiians" as only those Hawaiians with at least 50 percent Hawaiian b!ood, the government is using a classic tactic of eolonial regimes; divide and conquer. Blood quantum has divided us into two classes: Native Hawaiian and Hawaiian. Although OHA is mandated to serve aU Hawaiians, its funding mechanism restricts benefits to only Native Hawaiians. The blood quantum issue has divided us since the 1920 law was passed in Congress. This law must be changed, so that we ean heeome one people again. These are but a few issues that I have worked on during the past four years. As we move into the next millennium there will be many more challenges for us to overcome. Strong leadership, unity, and faith in our spirituality will be required of us. On Nov. 3, ī will be seeking re-election to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs as an at-large candidate. I have been honored to serve you for the past four years, and I pray that you will allow me to continue to serve you for another four years. On behalf of myself and my family, I thank you. Aloha Pumehana. ■


