Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1998 — Ben Cayetano Has Delivered for Hawaiians [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ben Cayetano Has Delivered for Hawaiians

"One of my top priorities has aiways been, and wiii always be the homesteading of Hawaiians on their iands. We have done a lot in the iast four years, but there is mueh more to do'\

"Without a doubt, Ben Cayetano has delivered for Hawaiians. He moved the Hawaiian Homes settlement through the Legislature at a very difficult time; he worked with me on the recently completed transfer of Federal lands; he accelerated payments to us when every other department experienced cuts. We have homesteading projects going on every island . . . but there is more to do. Please re-elect Ben as Governor and allow us to carry on with the work at hand. "

He Hawai'i Kakou PHHL Projects Finished or in Construction:

• Princess Kahanu, Oahu, 271 homes • Kaniohale, Kona, Hawaii, 225 homes • Kawaihae, Hawaii 195 residential lots • Kalamaula, Molokai, 124 residential lots • Makuu, Hawaii, 177 farm lots • Waiohuli, Kula, Maui, 318 residential lots • Nanakuli, Oahu, 187 homes and lots • Weinberg Rehab Homes, Oahu, 14 homes • Waianae, Oahu, 141 homes • Waimanalo, Oahu, 53 homes • Hanapepe, Kauai, 47 homes • Anahola, Kauai, 82 homes and lots • Puukapu, Hawaii, 75 farm lots • Waiehu Kou, Maui, 120 homes • Kalawahine, Oahu, 90 homes • Kulana 'Oiwi, Molokai (a multi-service center with Queen Liliuokalani Children's Center, Oueen Emma, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Alu Like, DHHL, and Kamehameha Schools)

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- ' ■'* " Photo (right) Kali anel Ben join Secretary of the lnterior Bruce Babbitt in signing the transfer of over 900 acres of Federal land to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, September, 1998.

Photos: (below) New housing under construction; (left) Completed home 4 s =f

Paid for by Friends of Ben Cayetano, a Committee, 1524 S. King Street, Honolulu, Hl 96826