Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1998 — Page 25 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Sovereigntu and Self-determination: FULFILLING THE PROPHESY is a special insert presented by Ho'omalu ma Kualoa Executive Committee Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i, Chair Prince Kuhiō Hawaiian Civic Club Creighton Mattoon, Vice Chair Kaahuulaokalani 'Ohana Phyllis "Coochie" Cayan, Secretary KaLāhui Hawai'i Leonie Randall, Treasurer Mullaney-Brown 'Ohana Editor Linda Kawai'ono Delaney Proofreader Creighton Mattoon Photographs by Kawai'ono, Toni Auld Yardley and Deborah Ward This issue was paid for solely by the donations, fees and contributions in-kind of people like you. We continue only with your support. Your kokua is deeply appreciated. Please complete the form below and mail back your contribution today.
Next January, Ho'omalu ma Kualoa will sponsor the "Hawaiian Sovereignty Summit." Again gathering in ho'omalu, we will discuss - and work to achieve agreement -- on the issues affecting a self-determination process and self-government. Although the details regarding time and plaee have not yet been eonfirmed, the topics of authority, timing and funding ~ whether and when to hold a convention, how to select delegates and securing the necessary funding to support the chosen process ~ will be our major focus.
The centennial of annexation was a powerful reminder of the deep harm that results when strong political interests ignore and overwhelm the will of the people. Those forces are still trying to manipulate the Hawaiian future. We must recognize that our strength is in unity, in coming together to find and give voice to our own vision as Native Hawaiians - and fulfill the prophesy: E iho ana o luna E pi'i ana o lalo E hui ana nā moku E kū ana ka paia'.
Ho'omalu I ma Kualoa t(yur goat is to lay the foundation of mutual trust, knowledge 1 — and informed action on whieh we will rebuild /Jr a strong Hk and unified fiative Hawaiian tfiation. lJOIN USi
Do you agree we need: Rl To provide information and education on issues to set a path for Hawaiian unity of thought, purpose and action; I To promote unified action in support of agreed upon principles and positions, and effective opposition to all things whieh diminish or demean Hawaiians, their rights, resources, and wellness; ■ To practice Hawaiian beliefs, culture, and spirituality as the unbroken bond among ourselves, our ancestors, and the generations yet to be; and ■ To identify and coordinate needed human and financial resources to sustain this process of education, advocacy and cultural practice? <Join Ho'omalu ma Kualoa -- we have what you need.
Jor more information "Ho'omalu ma Kualoa" is now producing a series of four, one-hour presentations to be shown on 'Olelo Community Television. Our intent is to give you more in-depth information on the topics covered in this issue. We are also available to make group presentations if you would like us to join you at a family gathering or club meeting. If you have questions, want to become a member or would like to contribute to our work, eall orwrite: Ho'omalu ma Kualoa 500 University / lvenue , #326 Honolulu, Hi 7 96826 Kina'u tj°yd Kamali'i, Ghair phonetJAX 941-4946
□ yes, we want to join Ho'omalu ma Kuaioa! We must continue to build mutual trust, knowledge and informed action to unify the Hawaiian people. □ Organization or 'Ohana of 1 ,000 or more ($200) □ We want to kokua. Here's our □ Organization or 'Ohana of more than 500 ($1 00) contribution of : □ Organization or 'Ohana of more than 100 ($50) t n<t«;n |-|<tmn n □ Organization or 'Ohana of fewer than 1 00 ($25) □ lndividual Membership ($1 0) Please add our family to your mailing list. Name (Please print.) Address Phone