Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1998 — Your vote is your voice [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Your vote is your voice

On Nov. 3, Flawai'i residents will choose their leaders for the next few years. Tired of attacks on hlawaiian rights and entitlements? Then vote for leaders who understand hlawaiian rights and laws, and who will work on your behalf. Congressional leaders, our governor, lieutenant governor, senators, representatives, county eouneil members and board of education members have incumbents and challengers depleting war chests worth hundreds of thousands of dollars so that powerful positions ean be either captured or maintained. OFIA's five seats up for the ninemember board of trustees have prompted 38 Hawaiians to file for candidacy. BecauseOHAcandidates are not winnowed in the primary election process as every other political race is, voters face a larger pool of names from whieh tochoose. Learn more aboutthe OHA candidates, beginning on page 4. ■ 3xr

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Pictured above is one of over 450 new voter ballot machines. Hi-tech finally reaches the eleehon process.