Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1998 — Mililani Trask [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mililani Trask

• OHA T rustee-At-Large •

I have known Mililani since her student days. She is smart, she does her homework. Mililani has dedicated her life to correcting the injustices committed against the Hawaiian people. She has the mind to deal with the issues and the strength of will to make things happen." -Gladys Brandt, Educator & OHA Trustee

[ Mililani 's interests are to serve the Hawaiian community. | She's not looking for personal gain. I've worked with her I on several issues like the gathering rights, and I've found I that she ean weed out all the unimportant details and I cut right through to a problem. She's brilliant, I clear-thinking." 1 -Vicky Holt Takamine, Kumu Hula, Pua Ali'i 'Ilima

Mother Teresa onee asked Mililani to work with her. And anyone who's good enough for Mother Teresa is good enough for me. I'm voting for Mihlani Trask." -Makia Malo, Storyteller

I recommend my ffiend, Mililani Trask, to be elected as an OHA Trustee. Mililani is a highly spiritual person who is passionate about maintaining a high level of Hawaiian practices in Hawai'i nei. She is a lawyer who is poliucally smart and does her research so we, Hawaiians, and the greater community are able to understand our Native Rights. We need a Hawaiian lawyer who is passionate, spiritual and intelligent. That's Mililani!" -Pualani Kanahele, Kumu Hula, Hālau Kekuhi

I have not voted in the last 1 5 years. Mililani's efforts in seeking justice for Po'e Hawai'i have inspired me to register to l vote in the 1998 elections. I will cast my vote for Mililani on I November 3." I -Kamakahukilani von Oelhoffen, Native Hawaiian Practitioner

I A a kupuna, I have followed Mililani's I relendess efforts to perpetuate and regain I the sovereign rights owed to Native I Hawaiians. Her strength is an f inspiration to us all, Mililani Trask is a I great asset to our people."

-Pele Hanoa, Kupuna and Educator

"Our family supports Mililani Trask because she eame through for us when no one else would and helped us to get our house built on Hawaiian Homelands." -Veejay & Alana Peleiholani and Family, Kawaihae Homesteaders

i Mililani doesn't say one thing and do something else. She lives what she says. Her whole life exemplifies what she s advocating." -Rachel Haili, Haili's Hawaiian Foods

"We are voting for Mililani Trask because she supports Native Hawaiian businesses I and our peoples right j to practice our | culture." I -Craig&LuanaBusbyNeff, j The Hawaiian Force

B Mililani is a great role model for our keiki. k Where is there another leader who has so mueh p integrity and so strong a commitment to Native I' Hawaiian struggles? Our people need her." 1 -Kehau Pu'u, Hawaiian Language Educator

I I support Mililani Trask as an OHA Trustee because I I believe she loves God with all her heart and will I therefore serve the Lord with eladness by

| helping Native Hawaiians in our [ struggle for justice and [ self-betterment." • ' A I —Reverend Tuk Wah Lee, Retired I United Church ofChrist

In October 1988, Mililani went to Washington, D.C., to help draft the final language of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act. She then succeeded in persuading the Republican Congressional Representatives to vote in favor of this critical legislation. Her efforts helped bring millions of dollars to

Hawaiian grassroots communities for health care." -Dr. Naleen Andrade, Physician & Health Educator

Save One Vote

eor Mililani Trask

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