Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 8, 1 August 1998 — Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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#' ' 5.891 aH4" i » UmpU laiemi Aamial ftramtage Katr : ] : • 1 State of Hawaii : I HULA MAE PROGRAM j Financing for ^ 111 A low 3Q-year first-time homebuyers fixed interest rate

IA down payment as low as 3% As little as ]% to pay in points ;ly . :K. % Your very own home (Whieh is mueh better than someone else's home) lt's not just a home loanfor those who cjualifv. lt's mueh more. hor information ahoui the Hula Mae Program, eall one of ihe numhers helow or visit any branch. \ I I I 1 the poweroFyes.

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