Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1998 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

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Look for a voter registration form inside this Ka Wai Ola and register to vote. Remember Your Vote is Your Voice. 0f the 118,907 Hawaiians eligible to vote, not even hatf went to the polls in the 1996 election. Only 44 percent of Hawaiians voted. Those who didn't sent the wrong message to our lawmakers. Now, Hawaiian rights, benefits and entitlements are at risk.

Your Hawaiian voice must be heard. Protect what is yours by voting in the primary on Sept. 19 and in the general eleeūon on Nov 3. |7| lf you have not registered to vote there is still time to register. The deadlines are Aug 20. for Primary Election and Oct. 5 for General Election The County Clerk is accepting absentee ballots July 24 - Sept. 12. The deadline to file OHA candidacy papers is 4:30 p.m. Sept. 4. For more information on registering, voting, and running for office, please eall 1-800-442-8683. A message from \ cy\ Office of hawaiian affairs


Aug. 8 Aloha Stadimn Swap Meet, Stall 7202 Sec. 14D Aug. 25 Windward Community College Lounge

Aug. 11-12 'Iolani Palaee - Annexation Obseivance & Vigil Aug. 27-28 Leeward Communily College County Libmiy

Aug. 15 Shima's Market, Kailua Daiei, Wai'anae Mall Aug. 29 Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, Stall7202Sec. 14D

Aug. 22 Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, Stall 7202 Sec. 14D - Sept. 1 Windward Community College Lounge