Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1998 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS & INFORMATION [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Barrett — We are seeking information on Daniel Barrett of Wiltshire England ( 1 802- 1 893) and his family. His wife. Keoholua, was born in Ka'awaloa, South Kona and passed away there. Their son was Moses Barrett 1 844- 1 895 who lived in Kainaliu, South Kona with his wife Kamakeekalaau also from Kainaliu. Please contact Kane at 672-3655 or write to Lindsey Kane 92-594 Palailai St., Makakilo, HI 96707. Jones — The descendants of William Claude Jones will hold their annual "ohana reunion pienie at Kualoa Park on Aug. 8 beginning at 8 a.m. If you plan to eamp for the weekend, please obtain your permit. For information, eall Aunty Carol Bright at 235-6788 or Marcus Halualani at 737-2526. Kaaihue-Keawe-Maihui/Kaaihue-Kaohe — The mainland-born children of Julia Kaaihue Kaohe (12) are holding a reunion in California on Aug. 20 - 23 at Lopez Lake, Arroyo Grande. If any Hawai'i family members are in California and would like to attend, plea.se contact Dave Amido at (805) 925-0827, or Kai Manu Francisco at (805) 937-6828. Kanakaole-Aipoalani-Poikauahi — The descendants of John KealiiK onakaole are having a reunion on

Kaua'i Aug. 20 - 22. For information, eall Gweneth Nakaahiki at 337-9241 (Kaua'i) or Kunane Aipoalani at 2458786 (Kaua'i). Kanialama — Pukana o Kanialama Statewide reunion will be held Aug. 14 - 16 at the King Kamehameha Hotel in Kona. Main family branches are Kahanu, Long, Gooman, Kaianui, Chandler and Ellis. For more info on rates and costs, eall Hawai'i island chairman Leona at 325-5245, David Kahanu on O'ahu at 456-4226. Mel Jones on Maui at 2424405, or fax Jolynn Nakamura at (808) 885-1695. Kauaua — The descendants of Puupuu, Apukahei, Moeloa, Kamaka and Papai are planning a reunion on Sept. 25 and 26 in Honolulu. Contact CIifford Kaholokula at 456-2882, or write to 981343 Ho'ohiki St„ Pearl City, HI 96782. Kaumeheiwa — Descendants of Rev. Lineoln Benjamin Kaumeheiwa and Annie Peleiholani Kaumeheiwa are planning a neunion Aug. 7 - 9 on Maui. Games, workshops, entertainment and a Sunday service at Waiola Church are some of the activities planned. Families include Kaumeheiwa, Sodetani, Masuda, Puahala. Kapaku, Ilalaole. Peleiholani, Sullivan, Aki, Kamai, Lee and Kaapana.

For information, eall Hinano Kaumeheiwa at 877-3 1 8 1 , or write to 650 Lā'au St„ Kahului, HI 96732. Mahelona — The descendants of Joseph Mahelona and Elizabeth Emma Pakuai (later Ho'opi'i) are invited to a family reunion Saturday, Aug. 22 at Mā'ili Beach Park. For information, eall Miehael Kapua at 683-4666. Manuia/Pakele — A reunion will be held on Nov. 21 for the descendants of Kaaoaoloa Manuia and John Pakele, a.k.a. John Pakele Kukahiko. Traditional Hawaiian cultural events. He'eia State Park (front hall). For more information, eall Larry at 842-0054. Marin (Manini) — Descendants of Don Francisco Marin and his three wives Haiamaui, Kaualua and Kaihikuloa will hold their second reunion Aug. 30, 1998. Marin was a horticulturist who introduced many plants and agricultural crops including pineapple to the islands. His descendants are many including the families of Marin, Manini, John and Antonio Manuel 'Ohana, Kalehua, Elizabeth Noa, Pililaau, Collins, Everett, Antone Lopes 'ohana, Ho'opi'i, colbum, Maughan, Swans 'ohana Paremnter, Charles Arnolds Lahilahi and John Coffin Jones 'ohana, Gilliland, Cunha, Myhres, Carter

and Davis. Contact Blanche Kaualua Lee at 626-01 50 for reservations. Mason — Descendants of Thomas Mason and Rose Marie De Silva are planning their first family reunion, to be held in August at Mā'ili Ēeaeh Park in August. Children from this marriage were William Mason, Joseph Mason, Mary Castro, Thomas Mason, Gussie Ah Nee (Lopes), Aliee Ah Nee, Roy (George) Mason, Charles Mason and Dorothy McShane. For informaion, eontact Lei Mason Char at 236-1523, Pearl Mason Kapuniai at 259-7785, or Maile Ah Nee Colson at 262-2900. Smith - Kekumu — The family of Charles Nu'u Smith and Helen Puka'ikapuaokalani Kekumu from Kaupō, Maui, is having a reunion Aug. 7 - 8 at the Pukalani Community Center on Maui. For information, or to receive a registration form, contact Haunani at 879- 1 758 (Maui). Zabian — Hui O Zablan Annual Pienie will be held on Sat„ Aug. 15 at Ala Moana Park (behind the Diamond Head restrooms). This year, the 'ohana will honor its oriental heritage. Sushi making contest, orientaI foods and more. For more information, contact Charles and Leauiee Zablan at 734-4779. ■

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