Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1998 — Involvement in challenges [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Involvement in challenges

ALOHA MAI kākou! Throughout my life, as a firefighter, fire chief, husband and father, many challenges

# 1 have crossed my path, challenges that have tested my will and desire and that have contributed to the person I am today. I view my appointment as a trustee for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs as a new and exciting challenge. one that I am eager to take on. It is an exciting time for OHA. As we look towards the next century, OHA has the opportunity to be instrumental in legislation, both on the state and federal levels, that will impact our beneficiaries. As the chairperson for of the Committee on Leg-

islaūve and Governmental Affairs (LAGA), I look forward to the task of scrutinizing such legislation, making sure that the rights of or our beneficiaries are protected. With constructive analysis and discussion by the LAGA eommiūee and thoughtful input from our beneficiaries on proposed bills, I am

positive that our beneficiaries will be properly served by the upcoming legislation. Besides my duties as — — — chairperson for the LAGA

Committee. I am actively involved in the subcommiūee on sovereignty of the Committee on Land and Sovereignty chaired by Trustee Hannah Springer. Together with Trustee Rowena Akana, our subeommiūee on sovereignty is examining ways in whieh OHA ean be instrumental in achieving selfdetermination for the Hawaiian people. Other areas that I am involved in include the negotiations with the State of Hawai'i concerning the Heely decision, and the cultural

preservation of the areas surrounding H-3. For 27 years, as a firefighter, I dedicated my life to the protection, safety and welfare of the general public. Now, as an OHA trustee, I dedicate my life to the welfare of my people. I take on this challenge with pride and compassion. ■
