Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 7, 1 July 1998 — NEW TRUSTEE [ARTICLE]

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After reading the May issue of Ka Wai Ola, I found it amazing that the Board of Trustees could not agree on fīlling the vacancy left by the late Mrs. Beamer without blaming eaeh other for their own incompetence. With all the bickering, I wondered if we have the right people in office to serve the Hawaiian community. How ean the trustees agree on other issues pertaining to the Hawaiian community if they could not agree on selecting a person to fill this position. Somewhere along the line, there is a "power" situation going on! I am glad Governor Cayetano made a selection: Gladys Brandt. With her experience and background, she will be an asset to OHA. I am sure she will not be on a "power" trip while serving on the board. Māhealani Chee Kapoiei I believe the handwriting is on the wall with Kupuna Brandt's meeting on "risk management" and liability insurance for OHA officers and trustees. Why? If "torts" or "crimes" are committed with knowledge or warning, liability bonds do not apply. They are for innocent "errors," not those that could have been avoided but for simple arrogance. Beneficiaries ean in fact demand sanctions and civil judgments. This notice is imperative to prevent some beneficiaries from being diminished in the right to part of the contract for cleaning up Kaho'olawe. Lindsay K. Lindsey Wai'anae