Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 7, 1 July 1998 — HAWAIIAN WAYS [ARTICLE]

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I' m usually so happy to receive my copy of Ka Wai Ola o OHA. News of things Hawaiian is always important, especially here in Cahfornia. However, I'm also saddened whenever I read trustee messages. 1 can't believe it is our way to lash out at eaeh other in public or to use these messages to "prop up" our own images of righteousness. The trustees could benefit from some training in traditional ways of making decisions that effect the eommunity. All the differences should be discussed and options weighed, but when a decision is made, it should be supported. The problem may be that the board uses non-Hawaiian methods of decision-making, majority vote, instead of a form of consensus. Eaeh trustee is part of the whole. Eaeh brings a valued view to the process. The real power comes not from individuals, but from the flow between the group. When the chair finally announces a decision, she/he speaks for the whole group. Our new trustee, Gladys Brandt, from her comments about being positive, might be the teacher needed for traditional ways. True Hawaiians only speak when their minds, vocal

chords and hearts are in harmony. PIease model "Hawaiian ways" for all of us and most importantly for our young people. C. Fay Pohaikawahine Graef Citrus Heiahts. CA