Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1998 — OHA FINANCIAL REPORT [ARTICLE]
Year to Date Apn'l 30, 1998
Casli rec«ived Ceded Land Revenue: $11,331.347 Slate General Fund: $2.808,201 Federal grants: $173,341 Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (Interest): $367,999 Hawaiian Projects: $62,546 Native Hawaiian Rights: $57,740 Other revenue: $104,616 PortfoHo ineome c-invested: $9.581,912 Total Cash Recetve«k 524,487,702 Distoursemerrts and Encumbrances* l >peEattaos/Programs Payroll: $4,862.421 All other costs: $4,881.165 GSPD Grants:*« $702.216 Educational eouneil: $1 19.655 Native planl projects: $54,182 Native Hawaiian Rights: $875 Education Foundauon scholarships: $350.000 Other BOT actions: $562,893 lnvestment manager/custodial Fees: $711,165 NHRLF loan distributions: $428,770 Total disbursements and encumbrances $12,673,342 OHA Cash lnvestments Treasury Cash*** General funds: $382,429 Public land trust: $4,633.110 Hawaiian projecls fund: S292,385 Native Hawaiian rights fund: $235,351 Mauna 'Aia repository: $0 NHRLF:
$1,400.226 Federal grants: $20154 lnstitutional Cash Bank of Hawai'i - FHL Bank of Seattle: $6,137 Ftrst Hawaiian Bank: - Down payment loan program (funding account): $173,260 - Home improvement loan program: $19.143 - Loan program repayments: $7,908 NHRLF: T-bills and money market: $6.271,436 NHRLF: Time deposit aeeounl: $1,000,000 Small distribution fund (petty cash): $10,000 lnvestment Portfoiio (Marfcet value) STIF account: $32,880,021 Equities (Stocks): $163,872,650 Fixed ineome (bonds) $99,427.802 Total cash and investments: $310,632,021 Unbudgeted commitments OHA/DHHL loans: $20,000.000 Hawai'i Habitat loans: $10,000,000 Ceded land inventory (Act 329) (BOT approved): $425.000 Educational Foundation **** GSPD **** All other: $5.044,292 Total unbudgeted commitments: $35,469,292 * 1998 appropriations only. ** In addition to 1998 grants executed. may include prior awards. *** Includes restricted cash for encumbrances **** To be determined/clarifīed