Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1998 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
"\ ; \ \~ ~ ^ - ^ i "Before we signed with onother lender, we called ** Winona ot Honolulu Mortgage. She told us about *he great programs they have just for Hawaiian Home Lands.We saved on our closing costs. \ lj^R And, because of Honomo's great low rates, ^ we are still saving money every month. /4 e M°£?hHL For all Hawaiian Home Lands projects, Honolulu Mortgage is | . h Winono ^°u nan apePe offering a special program with very low rates for new home* I purchases or refinances. With no origination fee, you save $ 1 0Q's - $ 1 000'S. 1 1
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Just fill out the eoupon to receive a free p comparison of loan costs and monthly payments. Or, eall Winona Kauhane, Hawaiian Home Lands Specialist, at 544-3400. From the Neighbor lslands, eall toll-free I -800-262-6054. j I i2r | lender Honolulu Mortgage is an Equal Housing Lender.
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