Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 7, 1 July 1998 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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A\ my life I've worked for |^H_^0 J^JJJ^H™»B||^^^J|^^^2|^^^^Ē the Hawaiian people. If there has flHB H^HIHMHHHIHHM'^^^B^^jSl| been one overriding concern that |^^|j^H ^\ILlLi\^V^ „^^H \ I11 | has driven my endeavors - it has heen the -. welfare of Hawaiians. I am running for *~ ~i ilii OHA because 1 believe that OHAs jjtli»i first duty is to the people it serves. Bh^|^ gMy^2pp(M |*fcf 1 | iWPĒPP*- |J|pP^ fk ^ HĒ®^ \ , (/sr ■ WiHP^ iH^H wĒ^^Ē* /KKpr,¥ .- —" -n t. . h^k ■'» ■ t8g^^v^ ^ &y *£!£$r ^ w -e""W ||B ||j| I " >^^jyhwwfe • are our lands. our fisheries. our waters — itisthe iegacyweleavetoourchildren. ^^Hy ■ ■• āp" ■ : . ' v j^miM ** .^r.'aHr* ■■ ' ;^ • OHA must initiate an inventorv of the whole trust including g§||to|vr^H Hfeffl!g^^flH submerged lands, natural resources and minerals. energv • ?'«1|beS8B resources and manne fisheries. • * ^jm • OHA must eall for a moratorium on the sale or transfer IBHJI j|S of all ceded lands. w^^^^^^^^^^ĒĒ^lĒSā^0ml^MW^mmJĒWpf^!S && Mmp * mĒĒK^mmaMīSm • OHA must demand accountability from the Federal WHBr I^iII^mH government for ceded lands assets under U.S. control ^^^J^^^^gĒĒĒfĒmfWĒĒIĒ and for the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation. j^^H 'a^HL y V?§T ■^WnMBMi^mMi2mMĒU Sovcreignty., Not Wardship
• OHA is not a native nation and should not try to be one. OHA is a state agency. • OHA must seek to end state wardship over Hawaiians now. • OHA must support the establishment of a nation-to-nation relationship between the Hawaiian Nation and the U.S. • OHA must fund consensus building efforts and a fair process for self-determination for the community.
JTbelieve that if you look at my life, you'll see proof of my commitment to achieving these ends. I ask you to allow me to continue to serve you, as a Trustee of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
'' The People for Mīlilani trasK c(pmfrt/uāb/?J J^re ^e/w/ne. PO Box 10271 • Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816