Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 6, 1 June 1998 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board Business

At its meeting of May 4, the Board of Trustees approved the following committee assignments:

i RoIicy & RIanning. i Gladys Brandt, Chair; Hannah Springer, vice chair. i Members Rowena Akana, Haunani Apoliona, Clayton Hee ; Budget and Finance. i Colette Machado, chair; Haunani Apoliona, vice chair. i Members: Abraham Aiona, Gladys Brandt, Clayton Hee, Moses Keale, ; Hannah Springer ; Legislative and Government Affairs. ; Abraham Aiona, chair; Haunani Apoliona, vice chair; ; Members: Moses Keale, Colette Machado, Hannah Springer ; Program Management. ; Haunani Apoliona, chair; Colette Machado, vice chair. ; Members: Rowena Akana, Gladys Brandt, Moses Keale : Land & Sovereignty. ; Hannah Springer, chair; Rowena Akana. vice chair. : Members: Abraham Aiona. Gladys Brandt. Colette Machado ; Ad Hoe Committee on Entitlements and Negotiations. A. Frenchy DeSoto, chair. Haunani Apoliona, vice chair. Members: all trustees. On May 12, the trustees met at the community center in Pukalani, Maui. Trustee Abraham Aiona. who represents Maui, submitted his resignation. The full board unanimously approved the process for the selection of an interim trustee to serve out his term whieh ends November. Also approved was an ad hoe committee, composed of the remaining trustees. to eompile by June 9 a list of at least five candidatcs from among applications submitted by 4:30 p.m. May 20. For coverage of the selection the interim trustee at the May 28 Maui : board meeting on Maui. see page one. ■