Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 6, 1 June 1998 — Iune [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hale o Keawe at Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau in south Kona, Hawai'i, was onee the repository of the iwi of ancient ali'i. Editor's note: Events ofinterest to the Hawaiian community are included in the calendar on a spaceavailable basis. Inclusion does not constitute endorsement or validation ofthe event or the sponsor by the Office ofHawaiian Affairs. June 6 — The Allianee Awards. The Hawai'i Allianee for Arts Education presents this evening of awards and entertainment by Keali'i Reichel and Tony Conjugacion. This year's ieeipient of the Alfred Preis Awani is Agnes Kalanihookaha Cope for her lifelong commitment to arts education in Hawai'i. For information, eall the Hawai'i Theatre box office at 528-0506. June 9 - II — Coral Reef HonKorinq Workshop. In celebration of the United Nations' designation of 1998 as "The Year of the Oeean," the Department of Land and Natural Resources presents this workshop at the East-West Center. For more information, eall Francis Oishi at 5870094. June 10 - lk - 9th Annual 0utriqqer Uotels Uawaiian 0ceanfest. Competitive events for individual men and women, and the Hawaiian Intemational Oeean Challenge for lifeguard teams from around the world. For information, eall TEAM Unlimited at 521-4322. June II — Kamehameha Day StateHoliday. By proclamation of King Kamehameha V, June 1 was se1 aside as a day to pay tribute to his grandfather, Kamehameha I, the warrior king who unified the islands under his single nile. King Kamehameha activities are supported through the generosity of Hawaiian Airlines Ine., Grueninger Tours of Indiana and the Estate of James Campbell. June 12 - 82nd Annual Kinq Kamehameha Celebration Statue Decoration Ceremonies.
Fresh flower lei will drape the statue at a ceremony complete with music and a performance by Hālau Hula Olana. Honolulu Civic Center. Free. 4:30 p.m. For information, eall 5860333. June 12 - lk- Clean 0ceans'98. This three-day conference on Maui is sponsored by "Save Our Seas." I For infbrmation, eall 579-6282 (Maui).
June 13 - Kinq Kamehameha Celebration Floral Parade. Follow the four-mile route from Richard St. to Queen Kapi'olani Park in this 82nd
annual parade featuring floral floats, marching bands, colorful mounted units, the King's Court and more. King Kamehameha Folklife Festival will follow at
Kapi'olani Park, offering crafts demonstrations,
displays of Polynesia, entertainment and food booths, in conjunction with the Matsuri in Hawai'i Pan Pacific Festival. For more information, eall 586-0333. June 19 - Aquarium After Dark. Visit the Waiklkī Aquarium for a special evening program from 7-9 p.m. $7 - 8. Pre-registration required. For information, eall Mark Heekman at 923-9741. June 19 — Day Reef Walk at Waikiki Aquarium. Visit the Waikīkī Aquarium for a special evening program from 7-9 p.m. $7 - 8. Pre-registration required. For information, eall Mark Heekman at 923-9741. June 19, 20 - Tau Dance Theatre. | Nona Beamer introduces and narrates "Petroglyphs," Peter Rockford Espiritu's choreography intertwined with chants composed by Pua Kanahele. Also featured are his "U Bette," set to music by Bette Midler, and New York diva Rachel Berman's homage to her tūtū (see related story onpage#). Hawai'i Theatre. $10, $15, $20. Forinformation, eall 528-0506. June20 — Holokū Ball. The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu presents its annual scholarship benefit at the Hihon Hawaiian Village. Silent auction, holokū parade, entertainment by
Ho'okena and Hawaiian cuisine. This year's honorees are the Queen's HeaUh Systems. Tīckets are $70. Special corporate-sponsored
tables available. For more information, eall Luana Sala at 523-6280. June20 - KeAno Ahiahi - AnEveninqat Bishop Huseum. Storytelling, demonstrations and children's activities will kick-off the evening culminating with a concert under the stars on the Great Lawn. Museum galleries open. For information, eall 847-351 1. June 26, 27 — Kinq Kamehameha Hula Competition. The NBC Arena is the site for this two-day competition of hula kahiko, 'auana and oli. Fri. 6 p.m., Sat. 1 p.m. For information, eall Keahi Allen at 536-6540.
June 27, 28 — Hawaiian (ultural Festival at Pu'uhonua o
Honaunau. t This vear's theme, "Nā
Mea Hana Lima Nā tKūpuna (traditional crafts of our ancestors) will be enhanced by demonstraI tions by loeal artisans and \ crafts people. Lauhala weaving, 'ie'ie basketry, tapa making, hula and k eanoe paddling are some
of the activities. Sponsored by the Nahonal | Park Service and the Hawai'i Natural His11 tory Association. For
more information, eall 328-2288 or i 328-2326 (Hawai'i I island). ■
4 dancerfrom Kumu Hula Kaha'i Topolinski's Ka Pā Hula Hawai'i performs a hula 'ūlili at the King Kamehameha Hula Competition.