Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 6, 1 Iune 1998 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
^a£acoa£t*te Stnea*tuU<ie DHHL LEASE APPLICANTS Own Your Dream Home at Kalāwahine Streamside Quality Island Homes minutes from Downtown Honolulu
f\ snowcase project by tne f>tate Uepartment oj Hawauan Home Lands and Kamehameha Investment Corporation in Kalāwahine, near Punehhowl. Model Living Area Estimated Price Single Family Homes l,444sq. fl. $215,000- $235,000 3 Bcdroom - 2.5 Bath Uphill Duplexes l,320sq. ft. $180,000 -$ 195,000 3 Bedroom - 2 Balh Oownhill Duplexes 1 .362 sq. ft. $ 1 90,000 - $205,000 3 Bedroom - 2.5 Baih Informational Meetings Daie Time Plaee S.mmi.iy. May 30. 1998 9 a.m. and Lineoln Elementary Cafetena 1 p.m. 615 Auwaiolimu St. Wednesday. Junc 3. 1998 7 p.m. Kailua High Cafeteria 451 Ulumanu Dr. Saturday. Junc 6. 1998 9a.m. Moanalua High Cafetcria 2825 Ala llima St. Wcdnesday. Junc 10. 1998 7 p.m. Kapolei Elcmentary Cafctcria 91-11 19 KamaahaLp For more information on native Hawaiian qualificalion eall the DHHL Applications Branch at 586-3830. For project information, eall James Komelani. ine. Realtors at 591-8166 or DHHL's Temporary D.evelopment Assistance Group at 587-6451 . 11« mluniuuion prescnted hemn w;»s uhtuined from sources ileemeU rcliuhle ui tl»c lime of printing DHHL ■md the developer reservc the nght to terminute thc project. The dcvcloper. its agents. associate cumpanies and supphers reserve the richt to nu»dify plans. speci lic:itions and fcalures wulioul prior noliee or obligation. This advc(1iseinenl ts presentcd lor inlonnatumal purposes only and does nol consiitute an olfcring of the homes ' and lots descrihed