Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 6, 1 June 1998 — OHA Board Selects replacement Trustee [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board Selects replacement Trustee

HONOLULU — The Office 1 ' of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees on May 28 during a scheduled Board of Trustees meeting on Maui selected Herbert A.K. Campos to join Gladys Brandt as one of OHA's | interim trustees. After receiving the required two-thirds | majority vote, Campos was I officially swom in as an OHA ; ij tmstee to perform his new | duties through the November I elections. 1 From beginning to ertd. the | 1 process to select Campos lasted i less than three weeks. Trustee j Campos has direct experience ; working with various levels of govemment — in Washington, ! | D.C., at the state legislature i and with the County of Maui. Trustee Campos is active in the i Hawaiian community in serv1 ing as president of thc Board of j ! Directors, of Hui No Ke Ola Pono - Maui's Health System. He is also the treasurer of the Board of Directors for Papa Oia Lokahi, the statewidc over- i sight arm of Hawaiian Heakh Systems. Additionally, Tmstee Campos is a former fire chief for Maui County. Tmstee Campos attended Saint I^oui^ High School, thc Univcrsity of Hawai'i and the National Fire Academy. Tmstee Campos replaces Abraham Aiona, who resigned from the OHA board May 12, due to heahh concerns. ■ Look for a full story in next months issue