Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 6, 1 June 1998 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Mililani Tra.sk • OHA Trustee-At-Large •

. ,, X ........ ^y^jtk (1990 - 1998), largest jflpP" sovereignty initiative in Hawai'i *Executive Director, Gibson Foundation !gg|:f ( 1988 -present). non-profit organization building V housing for disadvantaged Hawaiians «'īlio'ulaokalani Coalition (1997 - present), member, for HHH^iā^L/ n8k *" ' . «Hawai'i Statejudiciary Water Rights Roundtable ||P^ j|8Pte ( 1987 - 1988). participant «Hālawa Valley Coahtion (1992 - present), member * j1HH 1|3h2«* •\ative Ilawaiian Land Trust Task Force (1983 - 1987) *»*¥ % *Federal-State Task Force on the Hawaiian Homes £ Commission ( 1983) , member .'- , , | «Ho'ala Kānāwai, Ine. ( 1978 - 1987), non-proflt : flHHHMH^^^B|^^Hp|Br organization educating Hawaiians regarding Ceded Home mULIpHL mhP Hp International Participation •United \ations Working Group on lndigenous Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerlana ^|M 1995 •Lnrepresented \ations and Peoples Organization "§;; (U.N.P.O.) , Vice-Chair of the General Assembly, Netherland$ ^H^P^HHHhW* 1 993 *. «United Nations World Conference on Human Rights, PP|J^^^^^^HHHHHHBHhHH(K5|K*' ^ - Vienna, Austria; Cairo, Egypt; Beijing, China "1« •Indigenous Initiative for Peaee, Oaxtepec, Mexico i^B^HH^MWImS ^ 1989 *Global Consultation, World Council of Churches, ■HJV«^^^^^HnH|||, Program to Combat Racism, Darwin, I ^H"nn°rs & Recognition V V 1994 The Charles Bannerman Memorial Fellowship % ij| Award for Outstanding Activist of Color 1 99 1 the "Pacific Women the Year by Pacific Islands Monthlv. largest .' . magazine |H H§HiI^^Hi^S^ •' '991 Executive Producer. Broken Promi.se "Song of the HK 4 Year," Na ilokū Hanohano, written and sung by 'aMlK ; Henrv Kapono Ka'aihue and The Hawaiian Naūon. ' Ka Lāhui Hawai'i/6rown Town 1987 YWCA's Professional Woman of the Year ^ HK||f- founder Civil Rights for f ► > L