Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 6, 1 June 1998 — "We are who we were — resistence to affirmation" Wed., Aug. 12 at ʻIolani Palace [ARTICLE]

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"We are who we were — resistence to affirmation" Wed., Aug. 12 at ʻIolani Palace

Mark you calendars for an all-day event paying tribute to our ancestors who exemplified "aloha 'āina" a century ago, and to the reaffirmation of our lāhui. Centered around the centennial of annexation, the program will feature protoeol, historical re-enactments, speeches, hula, education, visual arts, voter registration and mueh more. A 30-member steering committee, "Hawai'i Loa Kū Like Kākou," under the leadership of Mel Kalāhiki, is planning the event. An 1 8-hour vigil will begin at noon on Tues. Aug. 1 1 . Morning ceremonies will eommenee at Mauna 'Ala at 6 a.m. followed by a march to Washinton Plaee, and then to the palaee. Donations are greatly appreceiated, and are being accepted by Alu Like ine. Call Mel Kalāhiki at 235-2727 for information. ■