Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 6, 1 June 1998 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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lf you've always wanted the valuable benefits of a Bankohana Account, it's easy to get started! You ean qualify with just $6,000 in combined deposits, or $1 0,000 in loans and deposits.* ^

YOU GET THE FOLLOWING FREE SERVICES:** • Bankoh Collection Series Checks • Bankoh CoverCheck (overdraft protection)*** • Bankoh Access Card®*** • Bankoh Visa® Classic*** • Bankoh Bill Pay for Telephone Ail this for no monthly fee!** To take advantage of all the benefits and services available with a Bankohana Account, just eall or visit your nearest Bankoh branch. Some restrictions and requirements apply. www.boh.com

ANO THAT'S NOT ALL. YOU ALSO GET: • lnterest-earning checking • Discount on a safe deposit box Minding your money. Building your wealth. MEMBER FDIC

'Combined average daily baiance of $6,000 in your quaiified deposit accounts, or $10,000 in your qualified deposit and credit accounts. Mortgages not applicable. "Must maintain combined average daily balance requirements to avoid monthly service fee of $15. "'No annual fee upon credit approval.