Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 5, 1 Mei 1998 — If you ask me... [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

If you ask me...

Representatives of the Associated Students of the University of Hawai'i recently answered the foilowing question, " What do you think of the appointment of two Native Hawaiians to the University of Hawai'i Board of Regents?" PHOTOS: SIMONE OVERMAN

Manxj Kim, senior. For Hawaiians to be taking charge and getfing positions of power and influence is important. I'm excited the govemor chose so well. He should be currying our votes but these guys are not in because he had to do us a favor. They are very qualified and will have good input.

Keaookalani Mattos. junior. Hawaian issues have not often addressed here because Hawaiian students are not in the majority and that's sad. But having two Native Hawaiians on the Board of Regents should change that.

Leini'ala Mahi, senior. I'm elated because we have been so under-rep-resented in the past. The fact that the student regent is in Hawaiian studies and is so active in the Hawaiian community makes me even prouder. I've had Nainoa as a teacher and I know he will add depth that the Board has not had for a while.

Le'a Kanehe, senior. I think it's about the fime. Although Nainoa doesn't have a degree in the Westem model of education, he's definitely setting a trend for the education of Nafive Hawaiians, restoring a sense of our own history and pride. And Wayne is very mueh in tune to what's going on with students who don't have a lot of money and are facing tuition hikes.

Hōkūlei Lindsey, junior. It's wonderj ful thattwo Hawaiians have been appointed, especially Wayne Panoke who will give students a voice and be their advocate. And Nainoa Thompson will bring a great point of view and special smarts to the [ board.

Ikaika Hussey, junior. I don't look at it as a matter of race. Regardless whether the person is Japanese, haole or Hawaiian, now the students have a voice, there's a student in the group that manages students, and the board is accountable.