Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 5, 1 Mei 1998 — Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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'98 IS GOING TO BE GREAT! | SPECIAL FACTORY DIRECT FOR YOU! j Affordatle 1998 House Prices j
Ali'i Okana Ali'i III Ali'i IV Ali'i V
1 BeJ.room/l Batk 3 Bedroom/2 Batk 4 Bedroom/2 Batk 5 Bed roo m/3 Batk
Regfualr $85,000.00 $130,000.00 $136,000.00 $150,000.00
Special | $75,000.00 | $115,000.00 ! $120,000.00 ' i $140,000.00 J
jPiLĪk7UL, ^ ImmHIWII W*
• Orders in process will receive additional saving's • • Ali'i Memkerskip is only $12 per year • Ali'i Memkers / DHHL Leasees SPECIAL PRICES are RESTRICTED TO BULK SHIPMENT ORDERS • Plaee orders kef ore Marclr^T7 J une 30, 1998 to take advantao'es o f Sp eeial Prices Call 1-800-551-ALI'I (2544) For your FREE Lrock ure anel progfram information. You re entitled to the JBEST, hut eh eeh ^ out the rest.
GMAC Mortgage Construction and Permanent Financing completed with one application.
Loeal Professional Staff to Help You Competitive Rates... N0 Up Front Fees... Special DHHL Loan Program Approved... Fee Simple, Leasehold, 0kay Tool! - ' k For AlPi Families Thru 0ur Hawaiian Friendly Lending Team
GMAC Mortgage Mike Sessions, Honolulu 808-263-4622
Mortgoges ETC. Steve mgo, Aiea 808-4835511
Hawoii Finoncial Speciolists, ine. Pamela Harrington, Honolulu 808-836-2121
First Financial Mortaage Co. Lori Brooks, Kailua-Kona 808-329-8^88 ■ : -" 41 •-' ..
Watch for more information on financing Livingf togetker, separately, proviles a kome for tke wkole family. Leasees aiiei survivors, you ean now make your Hawaiian Homelanl your HOME. ; • ! I