Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 5, 1 Mei 1998 — Trustee Brandt [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Trustee Brandt
As May begins, so does anotber chapter in the remarkahle life of OHAs newest trustee, Gladys Brandt. By Ryan Mielke Gladys Kamakakūokalani 'Ainoa Brandt has an inviting presence that also eommands respect. It is the kind of respect whieh is earned and comes from years of experience as a positive-minded leader who doeS not easily yield when confronted with a ehallenge. When Governor Ben Cayetano announced on April 22 that he had appointed her as the Office of Hawaiian Affairs interim trustee, filling the vacancy left by the death of Billie Beamer, her latest leadership opportunity began. "I chose Mrs. Brandt because I believe her vast experience and demonstrated leadership skills will help OHA during this period of transition," said Cayetano. OHA's new tmstee is well known throughout Hawai'i as a public educator whether for the years she held leadership positions in the public schools and at the Kamehameha Schools or as the chairperson of the University of Hawai'i Board of Regents. She is also active in numerous Hawaiian organizations, civic clubs and volunteer efforts. She said that her new position now makes her the student, as she must now learn her role as a trustee of the Offīce of Hawaiian Affairs. "I will try to leam as quickly as I ean to feel comfortable about what I ean offer," she said. "I would like to find our shining spots, our success
stories, and that's what I plan to emphasize," she added. "I have a dream of nurturing Hawaiian achievement, and I plan to do that in this office. Additionally, Tmstee Brandt said there are other important issues that should be addressed. "We must focus on the 'ohana — we must avoid hurting the family. Our success as a people depends on our ability to take care of and to work with eaeh other," she insisted. Trastee Brandt said she values eommunieahon and she will reffain from making negative comments about others in a public setting. "I always try to be positive.
Remember, it is the families and our community that ean l be affected if I publicly criticize someone. People ean forgive eaeh other over many issues. Yet if I say some- ■ thing negative about someone in public, it ean be hurtful < to many other people." Her position as a tmstee at OHA ends this fall as she said she will not mn for an OHA seat in the November elections. Rather she sees herself urging others to live up to their promises and dreams for the community, and to mn for OHA themselves. She added, "No leader, no trastee does anything alone." ■
Governor Cayetano announced his selection of Gladys Brandt at his office April 22. Attending this ceremony, from left, were Trustees Apoliona, Machado, DeSoto, Hee, Springer, Akana and Aiona.