Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 3, 1 March 1998 — SELF-DETERMINATION [ARTICLE]
One of the most exciting events in Hawai'i is the re-emergence of the Hawaiian Nation. Will the government that develops be "of the people, by the people and for the people" or a creation of a self-anointed non-profit corporation, Hā Hawai'i, whose existence is premised on a so-called Native Hawaiian Vote where 60 percent of the eligible voters did not participate? It is typical that Hawaiians shun what they do not like. Every Hawaiian is important and should be able to share his mana'o (opinion). Are Hawaiians willing to abrogate this right by permitting the Hā process where 100 delegates elected by Hawaiians here and on the U.S. continent will decide the form of our govemment, its powers and who ean be a part of the nation? Or should Hawaiians demand that there be sessions on every island, funded by OHA, DHHL and the state, where we ka po'e Hawai'i ean shape our new nation? Hawaiians ean work together for the good of all Hawai'i. Lela M. Hubbard 'Aiea
Ka Leo Kaiaulu